
Δευτέρα 18 Ιουλίου 2011

Genocide: Truth, Memory, Justice and Recovery. IXth Biennial Conference International Association of Genocide Scholars


Memoria, Verdad, Justicia y Elaboración


Truth, Memory, Justice and Recovery

9° Conferencia Bianual de la Asociación Internacional de Investigadores sobre Genocidio

IXth Biennial Conference

International Association of Genocide Scholars

19 al 22 de Julio de 2011

July 19th-22nd, 2011

Buenos Aires


En las dos últimas décadas, el campo de los estudios sobre genocidio se ha expandido notoriamente. Sin embargo, hasta el momento no ha existido una sólida consideración académica de las consecuencias de los genocidios, incluyendo los modos en que las sociedades post-conflicto han abordado las cuestiones de la verdad, la memoria, la justicia y la elaboración.

El foco elegido esta vez resulta particularmente apropiado dado que la actual será la primera conferencia en América Latina de la Asociación Internacional de Investigadores sobre Genocidio.

En los procesos de resistencia ante la violencia masiva en el subcontinente, una sentencia se hizo consigna social de los pueblos: Memoria, Verdad y Justicia. Pese a los intentos de canjear una por otra (Justicia por Verdad), las sociedades latinoamericanas han insistido y siguen insistiendo en que sólo la articulación de los tres pilares puede permitir la recuperación ante las consecuencias del terror. Memoria, Verdad y Justicia se proponen, entonces, en tanto condiciones del cuarto término, Elaboración.

Over the last two decades, the field of genocide studies has rapidly proliferated.

To date, however, the field has not fully addressed the aftermat of genocide, including the ways in which post-conflict societies negotiate issues of truth and memory and seek justice and recovery.

This focus is particularly appropriate given the venue, Argentina, and the fact that this will be the first IAGS conference ever held in Latin America. During 1980s and 1990s, the phrase “truth, memory, and justice” became a key watchword of resistance and resilience.

Despite periodic attempts to focus on one of these issues alone (for example, seeking truth instead of justice), many people in Latin America have and continue to insist that only the three pillars together enable individual and social recovery from collective terror. Truth, Memory, and Justice, then, are preconditions for the fourth pillar, Recovery.

Comité académico /Academic Committee


Daniel Feierstein

Alex Hinton

Khatchik Der Goughassian, Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina

Gabriel Gatti, Universidad del País Vasco, España

Jutta Lindert, Ludwigsburg Universitat, Germany

Jens Meierhenrich, Harvard University, USA

Ernesto Verdeja, Notre Dame University, USA

Presidente actual de IAGS/IAGS Current President

William Schabas, Galway University, Ireland

Coordinación técnica / Technical coordination

Claudia Massuh

Centro de Estudios sobre Genocidio/Center for Genocide Studies



Sobre la organización de este programa/ About the organization of this program:

La recepción de trabajos para esta Conferencia ha superado toda expectativa, lo que nos ha obligado a establecer una regla por la cual no fue aceptado más que un trabajo por persona, pese a que muchos investigadores habían remitido una cantidad mayor. Esta regla sólo fue quebrada con la invitación a algunos investigadores a integrar los paneles semi-plenarios (organizados por el Comité Académico) o a participar como Moderadores o Comentaristas de alguna de las mesas.

La agrupación de paneles respetó las propuestas enviadas. Como la mayoría de los trabajos no fueron incluidos en paneles previos, este Comité se ha tomado la atribución de agruparlos en función de temáticas afines. En los numerosos casos en que dichas tópicos cubren más de un panel, se han dividido en sesiones buscando nunca superponer las sesiones de la misma temática, para permitir a los investigadores asistir al conjunto de sesiones de un tema, en caso de desearlo.

Asimismo, en la asignación de aulas se buscó dejar libres los horarios de paneles semi-plenarios. Sin embargo, por la cantidad de trabajos recibidos esto tampoco fue posible. Se optó, entonces, por ubicar en los horarios de paneles semi-plenarios, sesiones que no tuvieran vinculación alguna con los antes mencionados, a modo de ofrecer al igual que durante toda la Conferencia, opciones diferentes para públicos diferentes.

Dada la calidad de los trabajos recibidos y la selección previa realizada por el Comité Académico, sumada a la política de contar con traducción simultánea inglés-español/español-inglés para el conjunto de los trabajos presentadas en esta Conferencia, se optó por agruparlos por temáticas, no seleccionando en el armado de los paneles entre ponencias en inglés o en español o ponencias presentadas por profesionales o por estudiantes de posgrado. Esto permitirá, a nuestro entender, una mayor posibilidad de diálogo intercultural e intergeneracional.

Esperando haber cumplido nuestro objetivo y ofrecer un ámbito enriquecedor para el intercambio académico, los invitamos a la IXa Conferencia de IAGS.

Daniel Feierstein y Alex Hinton


The call for papers for this conference has exceeded all expectations, which has forced us to establish a rule that was to accept only one paper per participant, although many researchers had sent more. This rule has only been broken by inviting some scholars to participate in semi-plenary panels - organized by the Academic Committee - or to participate as moderators or reviewers on one of the regular sessions.

The panel clustering has respected proposals submitted. As most works were not included in previous panels, this Committee has taken the assignment to group according to similar topics. In the numerous occasions where these issues covered more than one panel’s subject, these have been divided into sessions so as to never overlap similar panels, therefore allowing researchers to attend all sessions of a same area.

Moreover, in the allocation of panel rooms, organizers tried to leave free from schedule those in which semi-plenary panels would take place. However, the number of entries received made this nearly impossible, consequently locating semi-plenary panel sessions at times that have no connection whatsoever with these panels was decided, as well as throughout the conference; different options for different audiences.

Due to the quality of work received and the previous selection made by the Academic Committee, together with the policy of having English-Spanish/Spanish-English simultaneous translation for the whole of presented papers in this Conference, we chose to sort them by theme, without distinction in the composition of the panels, language of the presentation as well as integrating academic professionals with graduate students. This will in our view, provides a greater chance of inter-cultural dialogue.

Hoping to have reached our goal and provide a rich field for academic exchange, we invite you to the IXth IAGS Conference.

Daniel Feierstein and Alex Hinton


Reseña de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero / Overview of Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero

La Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero fue creada en 1995 con el objetivo no sólo de constituirse en otra Universidad pública nacional, sino con la peculiaridad de buscar formar recursos humanos específicamente destinados a solucionar los problemas económicos, sociales, humanísticos, educativos y sanitarios de la región en la que se encuentra situada, el partido de Tres de Febrero. Dicha región es caracterizada económicamente como de radicación de pequeñas y medianas empresas e industria urbana y cuenta con población de clase media y media baja, con zonas de exclusión social, y con buenos sistemas sanitarios y educacionales.

Sin embargo, como Universidad nacional pública, la misma no posee una mirada exclusivamente localista, sino que busca que sus egresados puedan contribuir al desarrollo global del país.

Son estas áreas de necesidades insatisfechas, tanto de orden local, regional como nacional, las que guían la propuesta académica de la UNTREF, que incluye la decisión de explorar nuevos espacios de conocimiento, más allá de las carreras más tradicionales desarrolladas en las universidades más antiguas.

Es así que la UNTREF ha decidido priorizar en su desarrollo académico áreas como Administración y Economía, Ciencias Sociales, Metodología de Investigación, Estadística y Matemática, Artes y Cultura, Salud y Seguridad Social, Ingeniería o Educación.

De manera de potenciar los resultados positivos en investigación, docencia y extensión, la UNTREF se ha focalizado también en áreas específicas de conocimiento que ha decidido privilegiar, las que se canalizan a través de los núcleos, institutos y centros de investigación.

Las áreas cubiertas representan sectores de alta preocupación en el debate académico mundial y con su acción la UNTREF se pone a la vanguardia de la producción del conocimiento en el país y en el continente. Entre las áreas de investigación se destacan, en especial, historia, diversidad cultural, estudios comparados sobre genocidios, artes y cultura, educación comparada, estadística, entre otras temáticas.

Por otra parte, la UNTREF cuenta en su biblioteca con un reservorio de piezas documentales superior a las 30.000 unidades, considerando la bibliografía básica y complementaria, el material de referencia, los CD y videos y la suscripción a publicaciones periódicas nacionales e internacionales. Estas cifras ubican a la UNTREF dentro de los parámetros de excelencia en los estándares internacionales.

Con el claro objetivo de transformar a sus estudiantes en estudiantes-investigadores y a la institución en una incubadora de la tarea investigativa, la decisión de Rectorado lleva a plantearse como meta incrementar en el período 2010-2013 en un treinta por ciento la base bibliográfica y documental, tanto física como electrónica. Acompasado con las nuevas concepciones, los puestos de enlace permiten la conexión con las bibliotecas virtuales más reconocidas internacionalmente.

Al mismo tiempo, La Editorial de la Universidad, EDUNTREF, es un emprendimiento de cultura. Su objetivo es difundir tanto trabajos elaborados por docentes e investigadores de nuestra universidad, como obras representativas del acervo de la cultura argentina y universal. En el período 1998/2010 se han distribuido más de 125 mil ejemplares.

Actualmente la propuesta académica de UNTREF incluye treinta carreras de grado: dieciséis licenciaturas y dos profesorados de ciclo completo, nueve complementaciones curriculares, y tres ingenierías. Asimismo, cuenta con tres doctorados, dieciséis maestrías y diecinueve carreras de especialización.

En su dimensión artística y cultural, la UNTREF ha contado con más de 175 mil visitantes, en 26 muestras (a mediados de 2010) y más de 760 obras exhibidas indican el impacto del MUNTREF, el museo de la Universidad.

El cuerpo docente es en la actualidad de alrededor de 800 profesores, en una matrícula que totaliza entre grado y posgrado una cifra superior a los 10.000 alumnos.

The Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero was established in 1995, not only with the aim of becoming a new national public university, but also with another specific purpose. This goal was to develop human resources specially assigned to solve economic, social, humanistic, educational and sanitary problems of the region where the University is located- the Tres de Febrero district. This region is economically characterized by small and medium size companies and urban industry. Its population is middle to middle-lower class, with areas of social exclusion and good sanitary and educational systems.

However, as a national public university, it does not have exclusively a local view. The university seeks to contribute to the global development of the country through its graduates.

It is these areas where needs are not fulfilled, whether for a local, regional or national position, the ones that lead the academic proposal of UNTREF. It includes the determination to explore new fields of knowledge, beyond traditional degrees as those which come up in older universities.

In this scene, UNTREF has decided to give priority to academic areas such as Management and Economics, Social Sciences, Research methodology, Statistics and Mathematics, Arts and Culture, Health and Social Security, Engineering or Education.

In order to maximize the good results in research, teaching and extension, UNTREF has also focused on specific knowledge fields through developing forums, institutes and study centres.

The chosen fields represent high concern issues within worldwide academic debate, therefore UNTREF gets at the forefront of knowledge production in our country and our continent. These outstanding fields are: history, cultural diversity, comparative studies on genocide, arts and culture, comparative education and statistics among others.

In addition, UNTREF library holdings have over 30,000 pieces. These include basic and complementary bibliographic tools, reference material, CDs and videos as well as subscriptions to national and international publications. These figures place UNTREF within excellence parameters among international standards.

The Rectorate has the clear purpose of making learners-researchers out of its students, and a research incUniversidad de Buenos Airestor out of the institution, consequently the university aims to increase thirty per cent of both electronic and physical bibliographic and documentary base, during 2010-2013.

Online access is also available to important international virtual libraries, thus increasing the range of information available to researchers and students.

At the same time, the publishing house of Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, -“EDUNTREF”-, is a cultural endeavour. Its goal is not only to spread the work produced by its teachers and researchers, but also to maintain a collection of significant pieces of Argentinean and universal culture. In the period 1998/2010, 125 thousand published works have been distributed.

Currently, UNTREF academic departments offer thirty degrees: sixteen bachelor’s degrees and two teacher’s degrees, nine curricular complements, and three engineering degrees. In addition, it has three doctorates, sixteen masters and nineteen specialization degrees.

In regards of its artistic and cultural side, UNTREF has been visited by over 175 thousand people in 26 exhibitions (in mid 2010), and over 760 pieces exhibited indicate the high impact of its University museum -“MUNTREF”-.

The teachers board counts on approximately 800 teachers, with an enrolment number of over 10 thousand students, including graduate and postgraduate programmes.

Acreditación: Centro Cultural Borges, Martes 19 de julio, de 14 a 16 horas.

Centro Cultural Borges, miércoles 20 de julio, de 10 a 12 horas

Registration: Centro Cultural Borges, Tuesday, July 19, from 2 to 4 PM

Centro Cultural Borges, Wednesday July 19, from10 to 12 AM.

Martes 19 de Julio/Tuesday 19th July

16.00 – 18.00 ./ 4 PM – 6 PM

Acto de Apertura/ Opening Act

CENTRO CULTURAL BORGES, Auditorio Astor Piazzola- Viamonte 525, CABA.

CENTRO CULTURAL BORGES, Auditorio Astor Piazzola- 525 Viamonte St., CABA.

Presentación autoridades: Palabras a cargo de representante del Gobierno a confirmar.

Por parte de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, palabras del Sr. Rector Lic. Aníbal Y. Jozami. Sr. director del centro de estudios sobre genocidio y co-director de la conferencia, Dr. Daniel Feierstein

Exposición principal: Dr. Carlos Rozanski

Authorities Presentation: Authorities Presentation: Welcoming by Government representative (to be confirmed); by the Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, welcoming by Mr. Rector Aníbal Y. Jozami, and Dr. Daniel Feierstein, director of the Center on Genocide Studies and co-chair of the conference.

Keynote speaker: Dr. Carlos Rozanski


Miércoles 20 de Julio /Wednesday 20th July

10.00 - 11.30 / 10 AM – 11.30 AM

Panel 12: Las leyes de la memoria, libertad de expresión, prevención del genocidio: cómo lidiar con el negacionismo, la negación y el odio (Primera Sesión)
Laws of memory, free speech, prevention of genocide: how to cope with negationism, denials and hatred (First Session)
Auditorio Raphael Lemkin

Chair: William Schabas (Galway University, Ireland, IAGS President 2009-2011)

Khatchik DetGhougassian (Argentina) (Universidad de San Andrés): El negacionismo en la política internacional. Análisis conceptual y medidas de prevención.

Leandro Despouy (Argentina) (Auditoría General de la Nación): El Negacionismo en las Naciones Unidas. Análisis de caso del Genocidio de los armenios.

Marcello Flores (Italy) (University of Siena): The Laws of Memory: How to cope with the denials of genocides?

Panel 17: Canadá, los Estados Unidos, Ruanda y Burundi. Confrontando el genocidio y los crímenes contra la humanidad. Casos de estudio reciente / Canadá, the US, Rwanda and Burundi: Confront genocide and crimes against humanity. Recent case studies
Auditorio Rodolfo Walsh

Frank Chalk (Canada) (Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies, MIGS): Mobilizing the domestic will to intervene: lessons learned from Canadian and United States policies towards Rwanda’s genocide of 1994 and Kosovo’s events of 1999.

Richard Pilkington (Canada) (University of Toronto): Becoming Bystanders: Contesting and Determining the Canadian and U.S. Responses to the Genocide in East Pakistan, 1971.

Philippe Rieder (Canada) (Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies, MIGS): Comparing the governmental management of memory in Rwanda and Burundi.

Tricia Logan (Canada) (Canadian Museum for Human Rights): Recording and Revising Canada’s National Memory of Residential Schools and Settler Colonial Genocide.

Panel 21A: Hijos, niños, víctimas: Una mirada crítica sobre las construcciones de representación del genocidio argentino en la segunda generación / A critical view on the construction representing the Argentinean genocide in the second generation
Sala Azucena Villaflor

Adam Rosenblatt (United States) (Ph.D. Candidate in Modern Thought and Literature, Stanford University): The Politics of Grief: Mourning Mothers, Disappeared Children, and Unmarked Graves

Águeda Goyochea (Argentina) (Universidad de Buenos Aires-Secretaría de DD.HH.-HIJOS): Definiciones del universo de víctimas desde el Estado post-genocida. La invisibilidad de los hijos de desaparecidos y asesinados como sujetos de derecho.

Julián Axat (Argentina) (Uiversidad Nacional de la Plata): El hijo y el archivo. Búsqueda y recuperación de la memoria de hijos de víctimas del terrorismo de estado en Argentina. Experiencia vicaria y trasferencia generacional.

Liliana Ruth Feierstein (Alemania) (Universidad de Heidelberg): Escucha(s): la elaboración del trauma desde la perspectiva infantil.

Panel 28A: Reflexiones sobre el genocidio cometido por el Estado Ittihadista turco (Primera Sesión)
Reflections on the genocide committed by the Turkish Ittihad State (First Session)
Sala Azucena Villaflor

Anahit Khosroeva (Armenia) (Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences): The Assyrian Genocide in the Ottoman Turkey (late 19th early 20th century).

Asya Darbinyan (Armenia) (Armenian Genocide Museum- Institute): American Near East Relief Activities.

Emilie Reil (United States) (Universidad of Walden): Armenian Genocide 1915: Yet We Shall Remain.

Theofanis Malkidis (Greece) (Democritus Universdad de Political and Social Sciences): The Greek genocide.

Panel 51: Memoria y reparación moral / Memory and moral repair
Sala Adriana Calvo

Jeffrey Blustein (United States) (University of New York): Human Rights and the Moral Imperative to Remember.

Armen T. Marsoobian (United States) (Southern Connecticut State University): The Crime of Genocide: The Moral Imperative to Remember, Acknowledge and Repair.

Margaret Urban Walker (United States) (University of Arizona): “Nunca Mas”: does truth telling about human rights abuses have preventive power?

Panel 38A: Prácticas sociales genocidas en América Latina (Primera Sesión)
Genocidal social practices in latin america (First Session)
Sala Hannah Arendt

Cecilia Samanes (Argentina) (Universidad de Buenos Aires): Las prácticas sociales genocidas en Uruguay (1973-1985).

Cristián Gutiérrez T (Chile) (Universidad Santiago de Chile): Villa Grimaldi y el Proceso de Reorganización Nacional en Chile: Memoria de las prácticas sociales genocidas. 1974-1978.

Myrna Edith Bilder (Argentina) (Uiversidad Nacional de la Plata): Pasado y presente: de la Guerra contra la subversión a la Guerra contra el delito.

Natalia Muñoz Osorio (Colombia) (Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana-Movimiento Nacional de Víctimas de Crímenes de Estado, MOVICE): Memoria y resistencia contra la impunidad, la lucha de las víctimas de crímenes de estado en Colombia.

11.45 - 12.15 / 11.45 AM - 12.15 AM

Semi-Plenary Session: Diferentes perspectivas sobre la prevención del Genocidio
Different Perspectives on Genocide Prevention
Auditorio Raphael Lemkin

Chair: Santiago O´Donnell (periodista P/12, A CONFIRMAR)

Andrea Bartoli, Tetsushi Ogata y Ashad Sentongo (United States) (George Mason University)

Balthazar Habonimana (Burundi) (Conference on Genocide Prevention of the Great Lakes)

Herbert Hirsch (United States) (Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs, University of Virginia Commonwealth)

Panel 38B: Prácticas sociales genocidas en América Latina (Segunda Sesión)
Genocidal social practices in Latin America (Second Session)
Auditorio Rodolfo Walsh

Ashley Lyn Johnson (France) (University of Notre Dame): Enemies of the State: Historical conceptions of identity, conflict, and peace in Guatemala.

Lucrecia I. Molinari (Argentina) (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES-UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE SAN MARTÍN): Autoritarismo y modernización en El Salvador (1961-1969).

Marc Drouin (Canadá) (Universidad de Montreal): La destrucción de grupos políticos, profesionales y sociales en Guatemala entre 1954 y 1984.

Miguel Leone (Argentina) (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES-UNGS): El caso de genocidio guatemalteco. Sus mecanismos reorganizadores y sus efectos de verdad.

Panel 15: Hayden White y el acontecimiento modernista. Aproximaciones al genocidio desde la filosofía de la historia/Hayden White and the modernist event. Approaches to genocide from the philosophy of history
Sala Adriana Calvo

Mariana Zeitler Varela (Argentina) (Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET): El problema de la representación en torno a los genocidios: el acontecimiento modernista y los monumentos a las víctimas.

Natalia Tacetta (Argentina) (Universidad de Buenos Aires-CONICET): El acontecimiento modernista: la representación cinematográfica de la última dictadura argentina.

Cecilia Macón (Argentina) (Universidad de Buenos Aires): La conciencia histórica modernista como tentación.

Panel 21B: Memoria, representación y elaboración (Primera Sesión)
Memory, representations and working through (First Session)
Sala Azucena Villaflor

Sévane Garibian (Switzeland) (University of Neuchâtel): Amnesty, Truth, Justice. From the power to amnesty to the duty to prosecute: the Argentinian experience.

Bárbara Inés Ohanian (Argentina) (CONICET-IIGG-CEG): ¿Puede la memoria oficial convertirse en fetiche?

Francesca Lessa (United Kingdom) (London School of Economics): Ni Olvido ni Perdón - Present Pasts and the Struggle for Memory in Argentina, 1976 – 2010.

Erica Baum (Argentina) (Universidad Nacional de La Plata): Repugnancia, justicia y derechos humanos. El caso “Etchecolatz”.

Panel 23G: Análisis histórico de procesos de exterminio de masas (Primera Sesión)
Historical analysis of processes of mass destruction (First Session)
Sala Eric Markusen

Arnold Spitta (Alemania) (German Academic Exchange Service –DAAD-): El genocidio nacionalsocialista de los gitanos y su interpretación en los juicios por resarcimiento moral y material (“Wiedergutmachung”) en Alemania Federal - el contexto Europeo.

Mariana Cardoso Ribeiro (Brasil) (Universidad de San Pablo-CAPES): Incompatibles con la nueva España. Detención, muerte y expulsión bajo el franquismo (1939-1945)

14.30 - 16.00 . / 2.30 PM – 4 PM

Semi-Plenary Session: Nuevos desafíos para los estudios sobre genocidio
New challenges on genocide research
Auditorio Raphael Lemkin

Alexander Hinton (United States) (Center for the Study of Genocide, Conflict Resolution, and Human Rights, CGCHR): Critical Genocide Studies, Definition, and Power/Knowledge.

Daniel Feierstein (Argentina) (Centro de Estudios sobre Genocidio, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero-CONICET-Universidad de Buenos Aires): Los juicios en Argentina, el concepto de grupo nacional y las enseñanzas para el derecho internacional.

Joyce Apsel (United States) (University of New York): Four decades of genocide studies: evaluations, critiques and new directions.

Panel 22H: Memoria, representación y elaboración (Segunda Sesión)
Memory, representations and working through (Second Session)
Auditorio Rodolfo Walsh

Perla Sneh (Argentina) (CEG, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero): Musa Dagh en el Ghetto de Varsovia – lectura, increencia, renegación.

Shimon Samuels (France) (International Relations Simon Wiesenthal Centre): Role Reversal and Memoricide: The Politics of the “Double Genocide” in Contemporary Europe.

Wolf Gruner (United States) (University of Southern California): What did Jews and Germans in the Third Reich know about the Armenian Genocide?

Panel 20: Procesos genocidas en África (Primera Sesión)
Genocidal processes in Africa (First Session)
Sala Azucena Villaflor

Herbert Ekwe-Ekwe (United Kingdom): Igbo genocide and its aftermath – The tragedy of Africa’s unlearned lessons.

Abosede Omowumi Babatunde (Nigeria) (University of Ilorin): Genocide in Sudan: is resistance feasible?

Ewa Unoke (United States) (Ralph Bunche Society, Committee U.S. Commission on Civil Rights): Beyond Biafra: Shared Benefits, New Challenges and New Threats to Global Security.

Panel 24B: Miradas sobre la presencia de los procesos genocidas en las prácticas educativas (Primera Sesión)
Perspectives on the presence of genocidal processes in educational practices (First Session)
Sala Adriana Calvo

Laura K. Taylor (France) (University of Notre Dame): The roots of resistance: Victims’ responses to genocide.

Brisa Varela (Argentina) (FLACSO-Universidad de Buenos Aires): Rasgo de identidad y lugares de la memoria en estudiantes de escuela secundaria. Un estudio en dos escuelas de la comunidad armenia de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

Adam Muller (Canada) (University of Manitoba): Representing Atrocity for Children: Lessons from Three Recent Canadian Holocaust Texts.

Morgan Blum (United States) (Jewish Family and Children’s Services Holocaust Center, San Francisco): The race against time.

Panel 29B: Discusiones sobre género y genocidio (Primera Sesión)
Gender and genocide (First Session)
Sala Hannah Arendt

Bruna Fonseca Dias Lima (Brazil) (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro): Between the Lines: reading Rwanda through a gender perspective

Paula Drumond Rangel Campos (Brazil) (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro): Invisible Males: A Critical Assessment of UN Gender Mainstreaming Policies in the Congolese Genocide.

Ana González (Argentina) (Universidad de Buenos Aires-INADI): Guatemala: Violencia de género, genocidio y racismo.

Panel 51B: Memoria y reparación moral / Memory and moral repair
Sala Eric Markusen

Chair: Armen T. Marsoobian (United States) (Southern Connecticut State University)

Ernesto Verdeja (United States) (University of Notre Dame): Mass Atrocity, Moral Responsibility and the Challenge to Reconciliation in Latin America.

Henry Theriault (Estados Unidos) (Worcester State Universidad): Reparation and the Last Stage of Genocide.

16.15 - 17.45 / 4.14PM – 5.54 PM

Panel 60: Educación para la prevención del Genocidio: ¿nuevo público? ¿Nuevos métodos?
Genocide Prevention Education: New Audiences? New Methods?
Auditorio Raphael Lemkin

Tiberius Gallis (United States) (Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation): Looking back to prevent.

Isabel Kempff (Burundí) (Conferencia sobre Genocidio Prevention de los Great Lakes) La prevención del genocidio y la lucha contra la impunidad en la región de los Grandes Lagos en África. La necesidad de una respuesta colectiva1

Enzo Maria Le Fevre Cervini (Italy) (Foundation for the International Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities): The responsibility to prevent. Leading to a global architecture for the prevention of mass atrocities and genocide.

James Waller (Estados Unidos) (Keene State College)

Panel 12B: Las leyes de la Memoria, libertad de expresión, prevención del genocidio: cómo lidiar con el negacionismo, la negación y el odio (Primera Sesión)
Laws of Memory, Free Speech, Prevention of Genocide: how to cope with negationism, denials and hatred (First Session)
Auditorio Rodolfo Walsh

Chair: Marcello Flores (Italy) (University of Siena)

Paola Forgione (Italy) (University of Pavia): Genocide and freedom of speech in Europe.

Ruth Canagarajah (United States) (Penn State University): Modern Flat-World Theorists on Trial: Genocide Denial and its Place in Contemporary Law Courts.

Philip Spencer (United Kingdom) (Kingston University): On some problems with removing bans on the denial of genocide.

Panel 18: Towards a critical genocide studies: Reflections from the Lemkin archives/Hacia un estudio crítico sobre genocidio: Reflexiones sobre los archivos de Lemkin
Sala Hannah Arendt

Chair: Donna Lee Frieze (Australia) (Deakin University)

Douglas S. Irvin (United States) (University of Nueva Jersey): A "Medieval Organic Fantasy" or the Clarion Call of a New Liberal Praxis? Lemkin's Romanticism in the Axioms of Critical Genocide Studies.

Elçin Haskollar (United States) (University of Nueva Jersey): The Case against Forgetting: Lemkin, the Collective Memory of the Armenian Genocide and Its Contributions to the Re-imagination of the Armenian Identity.

Jeff Benvenuto (United States) (University of Nueva Jersey): Recalling North America’s Forgotten Legacy of Destruction: Raphael Lemkin and the Genocidal Process.

Panel 23F: Procesos genocidas en África (Segunda Sesión)
Genocidal processes in Africa (Second Session)
Sala Eric Markusen

Stephen Eugene Tsoroti (Zimbabwe) (Writer, Journalist, Human Rights Activist): Preventing a Genocide: Zimbabwe’s case.

Geoff Hill (Zimbabwe) (Journalist, member of the Advisory Council and moderator of the IAGS List Server): Zimbabwe’s genocide and the “positive silence” that let it happen.

Johan Deflander (Burundi) (Benevolencija Burundi): Burundi: how coming to terms with two genocides needs careful reflection on the development of a shared history.

Panel 57: Cine y genocidio / Filme and genocide
Sala Adriana Calvo

Tomas Crowder Tarraborrelli (United States) (University of California): Film and Genocide: an Introduction

Kristi Wilson (United States) (Soka University): The Specter of Genocide in Errol Morris’s The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons From the Life of Robert S. McNamara.

Michael Lazzara (United States) (University of California): Remembering Revolution after Ruin and Genocide: On Recent Chilean Documentary Films and the Writing of History.

Georgiana Banita (Australia) (University of Sydney): The Power to Imagine: Genocide, Exile and Ethical Memory in Atom Egoyan’s Ararat.

Stephen Cooper (United States) (University of California): Through the Open Society Archives to The Portraitist: Film’s Impulse Towards Death and Witness.

Panel 22E: Memoria, representación y elaboración (Tercera Sesión)
Memory, representation and working through (Third Session)
Sala Azucena Villaflor

Daniel Stofleth (United States) (Syracuse University): The Manifestations of Memory in Spain. Memory Politics and the Development of a Hegemonic Narrative.

Gabriel Gatti (España) (Centro de Estudios sobre la Identidad Colectiva, Universidad del País Vasco): Desaparecidos transnacionales. Confusos viajes de ida y vuelta de un personaje incómodo.

Sarah Jones Dickens (United States) (Duke University): Breaking through the Prisons’ Walls: The Poetics and Politics of Traumatic Representations in Cambodia.

18.15 - 19.45 / 6.15 PM – 7.45 PM

Semi-Plenary Session: La situación actual de los juicios en Argentina
The Current Situation of the Trials in Argentina
Auditorio Raphael Lemkin

Alejandro Alagia (Argentina) (Fiscal en la causa Atletico-Banco-Olimpo)

Colectivo Justicia Ya (Argentina) (querellantes en las causas en Argentina)

Pablo Llonto (Argentina) (querellantes en las causas en Argentina)

Rodolfo Yanzón (Argentina) (querellante en las causas en Argentina)

Panel 10: Procesos genocidas en África (Tercera Sesión)
Genocidal processes in África (Third Session)
Auditorio Rodolfo Walsh

Philip C. Aka (United States) (University of Chicago): When Does Genocide Stop?

Chima J Korieh (United States) (Marquette Universidad): Ghosts of Biafra: Nigeria-Biafra War and Discourse on Genocide

Philip U. Effiong (United States) (Universidad de Maryland): Biafran Refugees: A Tale of Endurance and Brutality.

Panel 28B: Reflexiones sobre el genocidio cometido por el Estado Ittihadista turco (Segunda Sesión)
Reflections on the genocide committed by the Turkish Ittihadista State (Second Session)
Sala Adriana Calvo

Heitor De Andrade y Carvalho Loureiro (Brazil) (Universidad Pontifica Católica de San Pablo): The Armenians in Brazil and the Genocide in the Diaspora.

Svante Lundgren (Finland) (Åbo Akademi University): Three victim groups – three different post-genocide stories.

Seda Parsamyan (Armenia) (Armenian Genocide Museum – Institute): The Armenian Cultural Genocide as a State Policy and the Question of its Responsibility.

Ugur Ümit Üngör (Holand) (Utrecht University): Confiscation and Colonization: The Young Turk Seizure of Armenian Property.

Panel 53B: Reflexiones acerca del genocidio en Bosnia-Herzegovina (Primera Sesión)
Reflections on genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina (First Session)
Sala Azucena Villaflor

Fikret Bečirović (Herzegovian Bosnia) (University of Sarajevo): The crimes of genocide in the un safety zone Srebrenica in july 1995.

Merisa Karović (Herzegovian Bosnia) (University of Sarajevo): Mass crimes in Sarajevo in the period of Siege 1992 – 1995.

Eli Tauber (Herzegovian Bosnia) (University of Sarajevo): Saving Jews in Bosnia during WW2.

Emir Ramic (Canada) (Institute for Research of Genocide of Canada): The Prijedor Genocide.

• Julio 20, 21.00: IAGS Meeting Board 2009-2011

• July 20th. 9PM: IAGS Meeting Board 2009-2011

Jueves 21 de Julio/Thursday 21st July

10.00 - 11.30 / 10 AM – 11.30 AM

Panel 22D: Memoria, representación y elaboración (Cuarta Sesión)
Memory, representation and working through (Fourth Session)
Auditorio Raphael Lemkin

José Emilio Burucúa y Nicolás Kwiatkowsky (Argentina) (Universidad Nacional de San Martín): Los límites de la representación. Nuevas hipótesis sobre un viejo problema histórico y teórico.

Carlos Pabón (Puerto Rico) (Universidad de Puerto Rico): ¿Se puede contar? Historia, memoria y pasados traumáticos.

Norma Slepoy (Argentina) (Universidad de Buenos Aires): Acerca de la supuesta imposibilidad de representar.

Tom La Pointe y Nela Navarro (United States) (Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey-Newark): Genocide and the crisis of literary representation.

Panel 23D: Análisis conceptual de la configuración de procesos genocidas (Primera Sesión)
Conceptual analysis of genocidal process configuration (First Session)
Auditorio Rodolfo Walsh

Anthony Oberschall (United States) (University of North Carolina): Propaganda, Hate Speech, and Mass Killings.

Anton Weiss-Wendt (Norway) (Center for the Study of the Holocaust and Religious Minorities): Collaboration: The New Old Concept in Genocide Studies.

Kimberly Partee (United States) (Clark Universidad): Judging Collaboration. The Trawniki Men on Trial.

Alette Smeulers (Holand) (Amsterdam University): Female perpetrators of genocide.

Taller: Juicios por delitos de lesa humanidad: la comunicación comunitaria como estrategia alternativa de visibilización frente a la noticia ausente
Working Group: Trials for crimes against humanity: community media as an alternative strategy to the news absente
Sala Adriana Calvo

Adriana Taboada (Argentina) (Comisión por la Memoria, la Verdad y la Justicia de Zona Norte)

Liliana Giovannelli (Argentina) (Comisión por la Memoria, la Verdad y la Justicia de Zona Norte)

María Susana Hernández (Argentina) (Comisión por la Memoria, la Verdad y la Justicia de Zona Norte)

Panel 38C: Prácticas sociales genocidas en América latina (Tercera Sesión)
Genocidal social practices in Latin América (Third Session)
Sala Eric Markusen

Diego Marinozzi (Argentina) (Universidad Nacional de Rosario): Dios o Patria. Los Testigos de Jehová y la Dictadura Militar (1976-1983)

Lazo María Laura (Argentina) (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba): Dispositivo concentracionario y sociedad en Córdoba (1974-1983)

Natalia García (Argentina) (CONICET- UNR-UNER): Vientos de cambio sobre el molino verde: El genocidio cultural en la Biblioteca Vigil de Rosario (1977-2011)

Rodrigo Lascano (Argentina) (Universidad de Buenos Aires): Objetores de conciencia. El caso de los Testigos de Jehová durante el genocidio argentino 1974-1983

Panel 53A: Reflexiones acerca del genocidio en bosnia-herzegovina (Segunda Sesión)
Reflections on the genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina (Second Session)
Sala Azucena Villaflor

Smail Čekić (Herzegovian Bosnia) (Universidad de Sarajevo): Genocide in Bosnia at the end of 20th Century.

Enis Omerović (Herzegovian Bosnia) (Universidad de Sarajevo): The Genocidal Intent in Bosnia.

Muhamed Šestanović (Herzegovian Bosnia) (Universidad de Sarajevo): Prediction and prevention of genocide.

Panel 31: Reflexiones sobre las políticas de prevención del genocidio y rescate humanitario
Reflections on the politics of genocide prevention and humanitarian rescue
Sala Hannah Arendt

Keith Pomakoy (United States) (Faculty Association at SUNY Adirondack): The Spanish American War as a Case of Humanitarian Rescue.

Paul Slovic (United States) (University of Oregon): Can International Law Stop Genocide when our Moral Intuitions Fail Us?

11.45 – 12.15 / 11.45 AM – 12.15 AM

Panel 3/ Plenary Session: Aropiación de menores en Argentina
Appropriation of children in Argentina

Auditorio Raphael Lemkin

Se integrará un panel con miembros de la Asociación Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo y con hijos de ex detenidos desaparecidos cuya identidad fue apropiada y que fueron restituidos a sus familias.

A panel with members of the Asociacion de Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo and former disappeared children whose identity was appropriated and were returned to their families.

14.30 – 16.00 / 2.30 PM – 4 PM

Panel 8/ Semi-Plenary: La apropiación de menores en experiencias genocidas
Children abduction in genocidal experiences
Auditorio Raphael Lemkin

Chair: Daniel Feierstein (Argentina) (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero/Universidad de Buenos Aires/CONICET)

Claudio Capuano (Argentina) (Universidad de Buenos Aires): La ética médica cuando se violan los derechos humanos. La participación médica en el Terrorismo de Estado. Los procesados y condenados.

Walter Del Río (Argentina) (Universidad Nacional de Río Negro): Genocide and Genealogies of Silence. The ¨Lost Children” in Mapuche and Tehuelche Memories

Donna Lee Frieze (Australia) (Deakin University): Responsibility, Duty and Morality: Australia´s “Stolen Generations”

Panel 55A: Procesos genocidas en África (Cuarta Sesión)
Genocidal processes in Africa (Fourth Session)
Auditorio Rodolfo Walsh

Jean Pierre Karegeye (Ruanda) (Genocide Studies Center, Ruanda): Genocide in Rwanda and Academic Disciplines: The Fate of African Literature and African Theology.

Jean De Dieu Mucyo (Ruanda) (Ruanda National Commission for the Fight against Genocide): Post Genocide Rwanda: National Justice Systems and Survivor Associations.

Mathilde Mukantabana (United States) (Cosumnes River College, California): Bridging Theory and Praxis. The Role of the Social Work Discipline in the Rwanda Reconstruction Process.

Jose Kagabo (Ruanda) (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Socials): Speaking of Genocide and Thinking the Unthinkable: Narratives and History.

Panel 22A: Memoria, representación y elaboración (Quinta Sesión)
Memory, representations and working through (Fifth Session)
Sala Adriana Calvo

Annie Pohlman (Australia) (University of Queensland): Truth and Recovery in the Aftermath of Genocide: Armenia and Indonesia Compared.

Esen Egemen Ozbek (Canada) (Carleton University): Coming to Memory of the Armenian Genocide: The Politics of Memory in post-2000 Turkey.

Rubina Peroomian (United States) (University of California, LA): “Truth is Not Only Violated by Falsehood; it May be Equally Outraged by Silence" or The Suppression of the Memory of the Armenian.

Panel 22G: Discusiones sobre la negación del genocidio
Discussions on genocide denial
Sala Eric Markusen

Adam Jones (Canada) (University of British Columbia Okanagan): Rwanda and the politics of genocide denial.

Donald W. Beachler (United States) (Ithaca College): Genocide Denial as Criminal Defense: The Case of Rwanda.

Sanja Drnovšek (Herzegovian Bosnia) (University of Sarajevo): Outlawing denials of genocide as a genocide prevention method.

Barbara Sutton (United States) (Albany University, SUNY): “I don’t want to know”: Understanding the Denial of Human Rights Violations (Argentina-United States)

Erin E. Welsh (United States) (UCF): Feeding the Fire: Rigid Sovereignty & Genocide Denial.

Panel 41: Análisis conceptual de la configuración de procesos genocidas (Segunda Sesión)
Conceptual analysis of the genocidal process configuration (Second Session)
Sala Azucena Villaflor

David Patterson (United States) (University of Texas): Philosophy, Religion, and the Prerequisite for Genocide.

Maartje Weerdesteijn (Holand) (Vrije Universidad): How to stop genocidal leaders?

Suren Manukyan (Armenia) (Armenian Genocide Museum & Institute): The Role of Criminals in Genocide Implementation.

Tetsushi Ogata (United States) (School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution): The role of threats in mass killing.

16.15 – 17.45 . / 4.15 PM – 5.45 PM

Panel 19: Los pesos de la memoria: Arte, trauma y memorialización / The burdens of memory: Art, trauma and memorialization
Auditorio Raphael Lemkin

Anthonie Holslag (Holand) (University of Amsterdam): Internalization of genocide.

Donna Lee Frieze (Australia) (Deakin Universidad): Silence, Memory and Sacred Drama: Ravished Armenia and Contemporary Understandings of the Armenian Genocide.

Jutta Lindert (Germany) (Ludwigsburg Universidad): Forms of destruction: Effects of genocide on physical, mental and social health.

Peter Balakian (United States) (Colgate Universidad): Poetry, Memory, Atrocity.

Panel 55B: Procesos genocidas en África (Quinta Sesión)
Genocidal processes in África (Fifth Session)

Auditorio Rodolfo Walsh

Margee Ensign (Ruanda) (American University of Nigeria): Rwanda: History and Hope.

Rangira Béa Gallimore (Ruanda) (Interdisciplinary Genocide Studies Center): Genocide Testimonies in Rwanda from a Gender Perspective.

Tim Gallimore (Ruanda) (Interdisciplinary Genocide Studies Center): The Role of the UNICTR in Rwanda Transitional Justice.

Tom Ndahiro (Ruanda) (Interdisciplinary Genocide Studies Center): Reflection on Genocide Denial and Blaming of Victims.

Panel 43: Después de Auschwitz: conceptos y representaciones de la Shoá / After Auschwitz: concepts and representations of the Shoah
Sala Adriana Calvo

Fabián Ludueña Romandini (Argentina) (CONICET-IIGG-Universidad de Buenos Aires): Testimonio, persecución y aniquilamiento: el martirio en el mundo tardo-antiguo como paradigma comparativo de la Shoá.

Emmanuel Taub (Argentina) (CONICET-Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero): Mesianismo y Shoá: vaciamiento, neutralización o crisis.

Tomás Borovinsky (Argentina) (CONICET-IIGG-Universidad de Buenos Aires): Política, Muerte y Nihilismo: una reflexión sobre la Shoá.

Marcelo Burelo (Argentina) (Universidad de Buenos Aires): La culposa estetización de la Shoá: fetichismo de la representación y la representación como fetiche.

Panel 22C: Memoria, representación y elaboración (Sexta Sesión)
Memory, representations and working through (Sixth Session)
Sala Eric Markusen

Betsabe Adriana Martínez Manzanero (Mexico) (Colegio de Michoacán): “Eso ya se me está olvidando, ustedes me están haciendo recordar”. Treinta años después. Recordar, olvidar y callar en Maya Tecún.

Juan Francisco Soto Forno (Guatemala) (Centro para la Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos): Hilando tejidos de memoria y justicia: el genocidio en Guatemala.

Julieta Carla Rostica (Argentina) (Universidad de Buenos Aires-Universidad nacional de Quilmes): Entre la historia y la memoria: interpretaciones de la historia reciente de Guatemala.

Rachel Hatcher (Canada) (University of Saskatchewan): A Nation of Victims: re-remembering Guatemala's internal armed conflict.

Panel 16: Recordando la violencia colectiva: ¿es possible una teoría general de la misma?/ Remembering collective violence – is a general theory possible?
Sala Hannah Arendt

Amedeo Osti Guerazzi (Italy) (German Historical Institute): Against the trend? The case of Italy.

Christian Gudehus (Germany) (Kulturwissenschatfliches Institute): Elements of a multilevel theory of collective memory of violence

Ruth Linn (Israel) (University of Haifa): How collective is war´s collective memory?

Panel 23E: Análisis conceptual de la configuración de procesos genocidas (Segunda Sesión)
Conceptual analysis of the genocidal process configuration (Second Session)
Sala Azucena Villaflor

Christophe Germann (United Kingdom) (Swiss National Science Foundation Fellowship): Time to re-think genocide when the “crime of crimes” depends on the color of a star.

Kjell Follingstad Anderson (Ireland) (Ireland National University): The Problem of the Jew Next Door: Social and Legal Perspectives on Inconsistencies in Perpetrator Intent.

Scott Selders (Canada) (Concordia University): Development and its Discontents: The Indonesian Government, Indonesian Opposition, and the Occupation of East Timor.

18.15 – 19.45. / 6.15 PM – 7.45 PM

Panel 4/Semi-Plenary: Los modos del recuerdo: la representación del genocidio y la discusión sobre los Museos
Ways of remembering: the representation of genocide and discussion on Museums
Auditorio Raphael Lemkin

Judith Said (Argentina) (Archivo Nacional de la Memoria): "Experiencias y desafíos de las representaciones en

los sitios de memoria. El rol del Estado, la educación y la difusión".

Christian Dürr (Austria) (Archivo memorial de Mauthausen): Los sitios conmemorativos de Mauthausen y Gusen en el imaginario histórico-político en Austria.

Luis Alegría (Chile) (Corporación Parque por la Paz Villa Grimaldi): Educación en derechos humanos y pedagogía de la memoria contra el genocidio. El caso de la Corporación Parque por la Paz Villa Grimaldi de Chile.

Panel 46: La participación de las víctimas en los juicios por genocidio (el caso camboyano)
The participation of victims in the genocide trials (The Cambodian Case)
Auditorio Rodolfo Walsh

Gregory H. Stanton (United States) (George Mason University): A Proposal to Memorialize Victims of the Khmer Rouge

Hadley Rose (Ruanda) (Consultant Attorney at Ministry of Justice en Ruanda): Conventional Justice vs. Innovative Justice: Comparing victim participation experiences in Rwanda and Cambodia.

Mark D. Kielsgard (China) (Universidad of Hong Kong): Sentencing practices in International Criminal Courts.

Panel 29A: Discusiones sobre género y genocidio (Segunda Sesión)
Discussions about gender and genocide (Second Session)
Sala Adriana Calvo

Annie Pohlman and Deborah Meyersen (Australia) (Universidad of Queensland): Sexual Assault and Mutilation against Women during the 1965-66 Massacres in Indonesia.

Ashlie Perry (United States) (Rutgers Universidad): Sexual Violence as Politics: Policy Implications of Sexual Violence as a Tactic of Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing.

Ana Aleksanyan (Armenia) (Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute): Nationalism, Collective Memory and Armenian Women Survivors after the Genocide.

Panel 22F: Memoria, representación y elaboración (Séptima Sesión)
Memory, representation and working through
Sala Azucena Villaflor

Elisabeth Anstett Gessat (France) (National Center for Scientific Research, CNRS): Bones to remember. Collective Memory and Human Remains in Former Russian Gulag Headquarters.

Max Bergholz (Canada) (Concordia University): The Problem of Silence in the Shadow of Mass Violence: Bosnia after World War II.

Sladjana Lazic (Norway) (Norwegian University of Science and Technology): Memory on genocide and political power struggle – the case of Serbia’s Sandzak.

Beata Schulman: (Poland) (Jagiellonian University): Commemoration of the Holocaust Landscape of Death in Poland: Contemporary problems with graves of Holocaust victims

• Julio 22, 21.00: IAGS Meeting Board 2011-2013

• July 21st, /9pm: IAGS Meeting Board 2011-2013

Viernes 22 de Julio/Friday 22nd July

10.00 - 11.30 / 10 AM – 11.30 AM

Panel 13: Discusiones sobre la elaboración del terror en América Latina (Primera Sesión)
Discussions on the working through the terror in Latin America (First Session)
Auditorio Raphael Lemkin

César Augusto Dávila Gómez (Guatemala) (Presidente de la Comisión Nacional de Resarcimiento): La dignificación como eje del Programa Nacional de Resarcimiento de Guatemala.

Miguel Scapusio (Uruguay) (SERPAJ): Efectos transgeneracionales del daño psicosocial.

Mariana Lagos (Argentina) (Equipo Argentino de Trabajo e Investigación Psicosocial): Juicios a los genocidas. Testimonios y testigos. Algunas implicancias psicológicas y psicosociales.

Daniel Kersner (Argentina) (Equipo Argentino de Trabajo e Investigación Psicosocial): Memoria colectiva, prácticas sociales y elaboración subjetiva. La experiencia latinoamericana.

Panel 23C: Análisis conceptual de la configuración de procesos genocidas (Tercera Sesión)
Conceptual analysis of the genocidal process configuration (Tercera Sesión)
Auditorio Rodolfo Walsh

Bashana Abeywardane (Sri Lanka): Geopolitics of genocide: Understanding the “Sri Lankan model” of Counter-insurgency.

Christopher Sullivan (France) (University of Notre Dame): All Genocide is Local: An Empirical Analysis of Massacres in a Counter-Insurgency Campaign

Jude Lal Fernando (Ireland) (Irish School of Ecumenics Trinity College): Representations of Truth and Justice in Sri Lanka Peoples’ Rights and Discourse on Genocide.

Panel 50: Ética médica y genocidio
Medical ethics and genocide
Sala Adriana Calvo

Claudia Francisco Capuano (Universidad de Buenos Aires-Universidad de Barcelona): “La ética médica cuando se violan los derechos humanos. La participación médica en el Terrorismo de Estado. Los procesados y condenados.”

Irina Mindlis (Argentina) (Universidad de Palermo): La eugenesia en la actualidad y sus características históricas en América Latina.

Panel 22B: Memoria, representación y elaboración de procesos genocidas (Octava Sesión)
Memory, representation and construction genocidal processes (Eight Session)
Sala Eric Markusen

Daniel Ferioli Seragopian (Argentina) (Universidad de Buenos Aires): Juicios por Crímenes de Lesa Humanidad en Argentina: Escena del Juicio, Acto del Testimonio y Lugar del Testigo - subjetivaciones colectivas y subjetividad del testigo-.

Diana Lenton (CONICET-Universidad de Buenos Aires): Desmonumentar a Roca: aproximaciones a la memoria colectiva y la voluntad refundadora a partir de debates recientes sobre la figura de Julio A. Roca y la Campaña del Desierto.

Raquel Angel (Argentina) (Universidad Popular Madres de Plaza de Mayo) y Alberto Guilis (Argentina) (Centro de Investigaciones sobre Genocidio y Fuerzas Sociales): Políticas de la memoria y usos del olvido.

Joshua Kandell: (Germany) (The Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation): The need to remember and recognize the atrocities committed against Native Americans.

Panel 32A: Comisiones de la verdad y justicia transicional (Primera Sesión)
Truth commissions and transitional justice (First Session)
Sala Azucena Villaflor

Andrew Woolford (Canada) (Universidad de Manitoba): Truth Unspoken: Genocide and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.

Anita Isaacs (United States) (Haverford College): Transitional justice as contentious politics.

Thomas Obel Hansen (Kenya) (United States International University): Establishing a Normative Framework for Evaluating Diverse Cases of Transitional Justice.

Nicole Bryan (United States) (Montclair State University): Reconciliation in former Yugoslavia: underlying motivations and reasons for resistance.

Panel 26A: Estética, representación artística y procesos genocidas (Primera Sesión)
Esthetics, artistic representation and genocidal processes (First Session)
Sala Hannah Arendt

Amy Fagin (United States): Issues of Memory and Representation: Contemporary Artistic Approaches to Individual and Collective Memory and Recovery.

Ana Arzoumanian (Argentina): De la escena del crimen a la escenificación. El genocidio y la atrocidad de la muerte- espectáculo. El perpetrador como reclutador de mirada; un proceso pornográfico.

Natalio Pagés y Nicolás Rubí (Argentina) (Universidad de Buenos Aires-FSOC): Eros ausente: apuntes sobre la erotización del nazismo.

11.45 – 12.15 / 11.45 AM – 12.15 AM

Panel 5/ Plenary Panel: La voz de los sobrevivientes de la experiencia argentina
Voices of the Survivors of the argentinian experience
Auditorio Raphael Lemkin

Panel Especial con sobrevivientes de ex campos de concentración argentinos: Anatilde Busna (Santa Fe), Margarita Cruz (Tucumán) and Teresa “Tina” Meschiatti (Córdoba)

Special Panel with Survivors of the argentine former concentration camps: Anatilde Busna (Santa Fe), Margarita Cruz (Tucumán) and Teresa “Tina” Meschiatti (Córdoba)

• July 22nd, 13.30/1.30pm, Auditorio Raphael Lemkin: IAGS Business Meeting 2011

14.30 – 16.00 / 2.30 PM – 4 PM

Semi-Plenary Session: Discusiones sobre la elaboración del terror en América Latina (Segunda Sesión)
Discussions on the working through the terror in Latin America (Second Session)
Auditorio Raphael Lemkin

Edgar Rolando Alecio Rodríguez (Guatemala) (Unidad de Aplicación de Medidas Programa Nacional de Resarcimiento): Resarcimiento: el modelo de abordaje comunitario del PNR en Guatemala.

Isaías Rojas Pérez (United States) (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-Newark): “Inhabiting Unfinished Pasts. Law, Transitional Justice and Mourning in Postwar Perú”

Verónica Jería (Argentina) (Asociación de Ex Detenidos-Desaparecidos): Memoria organizada a 35 años del golpe genocida: prácticas y elaboraciones colectivas de la Asociación de Ex Detenidos-Desaparecidos.

Lucila Edelman (Argentina) (Equipo Argentino de Trabajo e Investigación Psicosocial): Silencio: sus efectos psíquicos y sociales.

Diana Kordon (Argentina) (Equipo Argentino de Trabajo e Investigación Psicosocial): Transmisión transgeneracional de lo traumático.

Panel 24A: Miradas sobre la presencia de los procesos genocidas en las prácticas educativas (Segunda Sesión)
Perspectives on the presence of genocidal processes in educational practices (Second Session)
Auditorio Rodolfo Walsh

Henry Maitles (United Kingdom) (University of the West of Scotland): “It reminded me of what really matters”: teachers’ responses to visiting Auschwitz.

Manus I. Midlarsky (Rutgers University) y Elizabeth R. Midlarsky (Columbia University) (United States): Is the Holocaust Unique? Lessons from its Etiology for the Case of Sudan.

Yair Auron (Israel) (The Open University of Israel): Genocide Teaching in Israel.

Stephanie Fischer (Germany) (Technical University of Berlin): Facing new challenges in teaching the Holocaust to future generations at Berlin Holocaust memorial places

Panel 23A: Análisis conceptual de la configuración de procesos genocidas (Cuarta Sesión)
Conceptual analysis of the genocidal process configuration (Fourth Session)
Sala Adriana Calvo

Alan J. Kuperman (Unitesd States) (University of Texas): The Puzzle of Rwanda’s Genocide.

Emilio Stramucci (Argentina) (Universidad de Buenos Aires): Inyenzi: genocidio reorganizador y otredad negativa en el genocidio ruandés.

Silvia Alejandra Perazzo (Argentina) (Asociación para las naciones Unidas, ANU-AR): Complicidad Internacional con el genocidio: el caso rwandés.

Panel 49: La discusión sobre procesos genocidas bajo el poder ruso
The discussion of genocidal processes under the Russian power
Sala Eric Markusen

Gennadi Poberezny (United States): The Holodomor Atlas Project: Challenges of and Opportunities for Conceptualization.

Jorge Wozniak (Argentina) (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero-Universidad de Buenos Aires): Política y memoria del genocidio en Ucrania a principios del siglo XXI.

Walter Richmond (United States) (Russian Studies Program, Occidental College): How the future is uncovering the past: 2014 Sochi Olympics and the Circassian Genocide.

Tamara Barsik (United States) (Circassian Cultural Institute): They Stood Back and Watched: International Politics and the Circassian Genocide.

Panel 48: Estrategias pedagógicas de prevención contra el genocidio: el Holocausto como tema-matriz /Pedagogical Strategies to prevent genocide: the Holocaust as a matrix-theme
Sala Hannah Arendt

Maria Luiza Tucci Carneiro (Brasil) (LEER-USP): Lecciones del Holocausto como prevención contra el genocidio.

Silvia Rosa Nossek Lerner (Brasil) (Universidad Veiga de Almeida): El Holocausto a través del Arte y de la Música.

Helena Lewin (Brasil) (Universidad del Estado de Rio de Janeiro): Solidaridad en Tiempos sombrios: Tributo a los “Justos entre las Naciones".

Leslie Marko (Brasil) (LEER-USP): El holocausto a través del teatro. Teatro-Talleres: Una nueva mirada que toca y transforma.

Panel 32B: Comisiones de la verdad y justicia transicional (Segunda Sesión)
Truth commissions and transitional Justice (Second Session)
Sala Azucena Villaflor

Hicham Cherkaoui (France) (Arab expert team of transitionnel justice Academique Research in Transitionel justice)

Jamie Rowen (United States) (Berkeley Law School): Mobilizing Voice: Accountability, Truth, and Reconciliation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

16.15 – 17.45 / 4.15 PM – 5.45 PM

Panel 47: Las definiciones jurídicas y los Tribunales. Sus posibilidades y límites
Legal definitions and Courts: Its possibilities and limits
Auditorio Raphael Lemkin

Gianni Tognoni (Tribunal Permanente de los Pueblos) y Simona Fraudatario (Fundación Basso-Sección internacional) (Italia): Las definiciones jurídica y substancial del genocidio a la prueba del encuentro entre el Tribunal Permanente de los Pueblos (TPP) y las víctimas.

Melanie O'Brien (Australia) (Griffith University): Punishment vs. Amnesty: Affecting Admissions of Genocidal Guilt.

Nigel Eltringham (United Kingdom) (Universidad de Sussex): Public Promise, Private Doubt: Views on the Efficacy of International Criminal Justice from within the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

Patrícia Pinto Soares (Italy) (European Universidad): The Ad Hoc Tribunals and the ICC: Aiding or Disrupting ‘Recovery’ of Post-Genocidal Communities?

Panel 23C2: Análisis conceptual de la configuración de procesos genocidas (Quinta Sesión)
Conceptual analysis of the genocidal process configuration (Fifth Session)
Auditorio Rodolfo Walsh

Benita Sumita (United Kingdom) (Bradford University): Sri Lanka and Genocidal Violence: From Retrospective to Prospective Research.

Gabriel Périès (Francia) (Laboratorio ETOS-TELECOM-AIRCRIGE France): Terrorismo de Estado: la utopía fundacional. Contribución al análisis del estado de excepción como operador normativo de una utopía cruenta.

Uriel Kuzniecki (Argentina) (Universidad de San Andrés): Camboya y el Khmer Rouge: ¿cómo fue posible? La Guerra Fría y las grandes potencias en el Sudeste Asiático.

Panel 22I: Memoria, representación y elaboración (Novena Sesión)
Memotu, representation and working through (Ninth Session)
Sala Adriana Calvo

Alaettin Carikci (Holanda) (Leiden Universidad): Denialism versus Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide in Modern Turkey.

Nicole L. Immler (Austria) (University of Utrecht): Austria’s Reconciliation Desire: Compensations as an Instrument to Renegotiate the Holocaust-Past.

Panel 23B: Análisis conceptual de la configuración de procesos genocidas (Sexta Sesión)
Conceptual analysis of the genocidal process configuration (Sixth Session)
Sala Eric Markusen

Andrei Gomez-Suarez (United Kingdom) (Sussex Falmer University): Is it time for genocide scholars to start unpacking the political economy of affective-dispositions?

Yehonatan Alsheh (Israel) (University of Tel Aviv): The Sterility of the Biopolitical Paradigm in Genocide Research.

Panel 26B: Estética, representación artística y procesos genocidas (Segunda Sesión)
Esthetics, artistic representation and genocide (Second Session)
Sala Hannah Arendt

Lior Zylmerman (Argentina) (Universidad de Buenos Aires-Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero): Entre la memoria filmada y la memoria fílmica. Cine y modos de elaboración.

Mara Burkart (Argentina) (CONICET-Universidad de Buenos Aires): Patotas, matones, mafiosos. Representaciones humorísticas de la “lucha antisubversiva” en HUM®.

Romina Cejas (Argentina) (UTN): The portrayal of Genocide in the Harry Potter novels.

18.15 – 19.45 / 6.15 PM – 7.45 PM

Semi-Plenary Session: Violencia de Estado en Amércia Latina y Resistencia civil
State violence in Latin America and Civil Resistance
Auditorio Raphael Lemkin

Hebe de Bonafini (Asociación Madres de Plaza de Mayo)

Adriana Taboada (Comisión Memoria, Verdad y Justicia, Regional Norte)

Guillermo Levy (CEG-Universidad Nacional de tres de Febrero)

Panel 39: Los museos y los sitios de memoria: una discusión abierta
The museums and sites of memory: an Open Discussion
Auditorio Rodolfo Walsh

Karen Frostig (United States) (Brandeis University): Gestured memories: a new holocaust memorial sited for the Danube Canal.

Kerry Whigham (United States) (University of New York): Filling the Absence: Sites of Mass Atrocity, the Memorialization of Trauma, and the Tourist Experience.

Nora Tataryan (Turkey) (Sabanci University): Debates on Ahtamar: A church or a museum?

Panel 36: Expresiones orales y usos de la memoria a propósito del genocidio armenio / Oral history and uses of memory on the case of the armenian genocide
Sala Adriana Calvo

María Florencia Di Matteo Demirdjian (Argentina) (CONICET-Universidad de Buenos Aires-CLEGDH): El olvido como proceso de memoria. Silenciamientos en torno a familias de origen armenio.

Nelida Boulgourdjian (Argentina) (CONICET-Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero): Testimonio de los sobrevivientes del Genocidio armenio. Del archivo oral a las fuentes orales.

Carlos Antaramián (Mexico) (Colegio de Michoacán): El testimonio del Genocidio armenio entre los hijos de los sobrevivientes en la ciudad de México.

Discusiones sobre la reconstrucción de lazos sociales en sociedades posgenocidas (Segunda Sesión)
Discussions on the reconstruction of social ties in posgenocides societies (Second Session)
Sala Azucena Villaflor

Lucija Zigrovic (Austria) (University of Vienna): Perceptions of social justice and belief in a just world in post-war societies in the Balkans and their relation to individual empowerment and community reconstruction.

Patricia Lundy (Irleland) (University of the Ulster): ‘Post-conflict’, Transition and Historical Enquiries in Northern Ireland.

Ayeray Medina Bustos (United Kingdom) (Leeds Metropolitan University): The Dynamics of Individual and Collective Recovery in Post-Conflict Societies.

Ponentes Breve CV. / Lectures short-bio

Aka, Philip C.: Ph.D. Professor of Political Science, Chicago State University; Adjunct Professor of Law, Indiana University School of Law – Indianapolis Chicago State University.

Alagia, Alejandro: Fiscal en la causa Atletico-Banco-Olimpo. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Desde Marzo 2004 Auxiliar del curso C.P.O. de Teoría General del Delito y Sistema de la Pena.

Alecio R., Rolando: Antropólogo; investigador de los efectos de la violencia política en poblaciones campesinas e indígenas de Guatemala. En 1994 inició un programa de apoyo psicosocial a comunidades indígenas víctimas de la represión estatal. Actualmente es Director de la Unidad de Aplicación de Medidas del Programa Nacional de Resarcimiento de Guatemala.

Alegría Licuime, Luis Héctor: Profesor de Historia, Geografía y Educación Cívica, Diplomado en Museología (Universidad de Chile), Diplomado de especialización en Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales y políticas públicas, Fundación Henry Dunant (Chile), Magíster en Antropología y Desarrollo (Universidad de Chile), Doctorando Estudios Americanos (Instituto IDEA Universidad Santiago de Chile). Actualmente Coordinador de Educación Corporación Parque por la Paz Villa Grimaldi, Docente en universidades Diego Portales y USACH. Temas de interés: Museos, patrimonio y memoria con un énfasis en la educación, comunidad y apropiación social.

Aleksanyan, Ana: Researcher, member of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute.

Alsheh, Yehonatan: Ph.D. candidate in the Tel Aviv University School of Historical Studies (dissertation title: the ideological and political origins of the United Nations genocide convention 1933-1948), he teaches comparative genocide studies in the Sociology, Political Science and Communication Department in the Open University of Israel.

Anderson, Kjell: Doctoral Candidate and Doctoral Research Fellow at the Irish Centre for Human Rights where, under the supervision of William Schabas, he is developing a criminology of genocide. Most recently he worked as a lecturer in the MA in Genocide Studies and Prevention program at the National University of Rwanda. He holds BA and MA degrees in International Relations from the University of Saskatchewan and Carleton University respectively, and an LLM in International Human Rights Law from Utrecht University. Anderson is currently the student issues advisor at the International Association of Genocide Scholars.

Angel, Raquel: Argentina. Lic. en Letras (UNR). Directora del Centro de Investigaciones sobre Genocidio y Fuerzas Sociales (CIG-UPMPM). Docente cátedra “Modernidad y Genocidio” (Universidad Popular Madres de Plaza de Mayo). Autora del libro Rebeldes y Domesticados-Los intelectuales frente al poder. Expositora en los Congresos Internacionales de Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos. Buenos Aires, 2002 al 2009. Expositora en el Primer Encuentro Internacional “Análisis de las Prácticas Sociales Genocidas", Buenos Aires, 2003.

Anstett Gessat, Elisabeth: Research Fellow Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Antaramián, Carlos: Doctor en Antropología Social por El Colegio de Michoacán. Profesor-Investigador adscrito a este Centro Público de Investigación realizando un proyecto sobre La Historia de la migración armenia en América Latina. Ha escrito algunos artículos sobre la conmemoración del Genocidio armenio y sobre las comunidades armenias en general.

Apsel, Joyce: She is historian and attorney and professor in the Global/Liberal Studies Program in the College of Arts & Sciences at New York University. In 2009, she received the NYU Distinguished Teaching Award. She is current President of the Institute for Study of Genocide and a past president of the International Association of Genocide Scholars. Research interests include comparative genocide and human rights, pedagogy, children's rights and peace studies. She has edited collections on Darfur, teaching about genocide and human rights, and peace museums and is education editor of Human Rights Review.

Arzoumanian, Ana: Abogada. Se desempeñó como profesora de Filosofía del Derecho en la Universidad del Salvador, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas de Buenos Aires (1988- 2001). Miembro activo del curso sobre arbitraje dictado por el Ministerio de Justicia de la Nación (1992). Realizó un postgrado en psicoanálisis en la Escuela de Orientación Lacaniana de Buenos Aires (2001- 2003).

Auron, Yair: He has published numerous books and essays, mainly on genocide, Holocaust and Genocide education and on Jewish and Israeli identities in Israel and Europe in Hebrew, English and in other languages. He is currently finishing editing for the Open University of Israel a series of twelve books in Hebrew entitled Genocide, which includes theoretical volumes concerning the phenomenon of genocide as well as an analysis of case studies.

Axat, Julián: Abogado (UNLP). Defensor Oficial Penal Juvenil en el Depto. Judicial de La Plata

Babatunde, Abosede Omowumi: Doctorate Degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, Nigeria in December, 2009. Dr. Babatunde has published in both local and international journals and teaches Peace and Strategic Studies at the Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. She is a member of the Society for Peace Studies and Practice, Nigeria and recipient of the African Humanities Postdoctoral Fellowship of the American Council of Learned Societies.

Balakian, Peter: He is author of Black Dog of Fate, which won the PEN/Albrand Prize for memoir, The Burning Tigris: The Armenian Genocide and America's Response, which won the 2005 Raphael Lemkin Prize, and 6 books of poems including the recent Ziggurat (2010). He is Donald M. and Constance H. Rebar Professor of the Humanities in the department of English at Colgate University.

Banita, Georgiana: M.A. and Ph.D. in American Studies from the University of Konstanz. Postdoctoral Fellow at the United States Studies Center, University of Sydney. Assistant Professor at the University of Bamberg, Germany

Barsik, Tamara: Circassian Cultural Institute

Bartoli, Andrea: Dean of School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (S-CAR) George Mason University

Baum, Erica: Abogada por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Candidata a Magíster en Derechos Humanos por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Actualmente es letrada de la Dirección Provincial de Educación y Cultura de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Anteriormente fue inspectora y relatora de la Auditoría General de Asuntos Internos, Ministerio de Seguridad de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.

Beachler, Donald W.: Ph.D. Cornell University, 1992. He is Associate professor (non-tenure eligible) from 2007 to the present at the Politics Department of the Ithaca College, New York.

Benvenuto, Jeff: Graduate Student, Division of Global Affaris. Center for the Study of Genocide, Conflict Resolution, and Human Rights - Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey

Bergholz, Max: James M. Stanford Professor of Genocide and Human Rights Studies in the Department of History at Concordia University in Montréal, Québec, Canada, and a faculty member of the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS). His research focuses on the micro dynamics of mass violence and post-conflict remembrance in local communities in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia during and after the Second World War.

Bilder, Myrna Edith: Licenciada y Profesora en Psicología en la Universidad Nacional de la Plata (UNLP)

Blum, Morgan: She is the Director of Education with the JFCS Holocaust Center in San Francisco. In 2002, she graduated cum laude from Clark University with a B.A. in history specializing in Holocaust and genocide studies. At Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia, Morgan focused her Masters thesis on the forced removal of Aboriginal children as a case of genocide. A section of this thesis was published in Genocide Perspectives III edited by Colin Tatz. Morgan currently develops curriculum and leads educator workshops for California teachers at the JFCS Holocaust Center. Each year Morgan builds the course curriculum and teaches a variety of educational opportunities for youth including the Manovill Holocaust History Fellowship, Next Chapter, and educational journeys to Poland and Israel. March 2011 marked the ninth annual Day of Learning; Morgan conceptualizes and facilitates this conference on the Holocaust and genocide for over 550 local students and teachers. Morgan is an active member of the San Francisco Bay Area Darfur Coalition and sits on the advisory board of the Genocide Education Project.

Blustein, Jeffrey: Ph.D. is Professor of Philosophy and Arthur Zitrin Professor of Bioethics at City College of the City University of New York. He is the author of three monograp including, most recently, The Moral Demands of Memory, published by Cambridge University Press in 2008. The book offers a systematic and rigorous account of a morality of memory. He is currently at work on a sequel entitled, Remembering Wrongdoing: Forgiveness, Memorialization, and Transitional Justice.

Bonafini, Hebe de: Miembro creadora de la Asociación Madres de Plaza de Mayo. Presidenta de la Asociación Madres de Plaza de Mayo. Miembro convocante al Encuentro Internacional de Madres que Luchan (París, 1994). Conductora Titular de la Cátedra Libre de Derechos Humanos de la E. S. P. y Com. Soc. de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 1993.

Borovinsky, Tomás: Politólogo y sociólogo. Doctorando en Philosophie (Paris VIII) y en Ciencias Sociales (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES). Investigador y docente en Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES). Miembro del Centro de Estudios sobre Genocidio Editor Asistente de Revista de Estudios sobre Genocidio.

Boulgourdjian- Toufeksian, Nélida: historiadora, egresada de F. F y L.-UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES; Doctora en Historia y Civilización, de la Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), de Paris; Docente Investigador, Maestría de Diversidad Cultural, Univ. Nac. Tres de Febrero; Coord. área Docencia e investigación, Fundación Memoria del Genocidio Armenio; Autora de libros, capítulo de libros, artículos en revistas científicas argentinas y extranjeras; Miembro de asociaciones científicas, como Society for Armenian Studies e integra el Comité Editorial del Journal of the Society for Armenian Studies.

Bryan, Nicole: She is Assistant Professor of Management at Montclair State University in Montclair, New Jersey. She completed her Ph.D. in Global Affairs at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-Newark in Newark, New Jersey in October 2010. Nicole has conducted in-depth field research on the post-conflict societies of former Yugoslavia for several years. Her dissertation "Reconciliation in former Yugoslavia: Underlying Motivations and Reasons for Resistance" was very well received. Nicole is the recipient of the highly competitive NSEP Boren Fellowship, which funded her research in former Yugoslavia and study of the culture, history and language of the region. She has presented at various research conferences, including previous IAGS conferences in Virginia and Sarajevo.

Burkart, Mara: Magíster en Sociología de la Cultura y Análisis Cultural por el IDAES- UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE SAN MARTÍN, Licenciada en Sociología por la UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES. Doctoranda en Ciencias Sociales por la UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES. Docente de Historia Social Latinoamericana, en la carrera de Sociología de la FSOC de la UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES y asistente de investigación en el IEALC y en el Núcleo de Historia del Arte y Cultura Visual del IDAES. Miembro el Colectivo Editorial e-l@tina. Revista electrónica de estudios latinoamericanos.

Burucúa, José Emilio: Doctor en historia del arte (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Profesor titular de Problemas de Historia Cultural en la Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina. Entre sus publicaciones: Corderos y elefantes. Nuevos aportes acerca del problema de la modernidad clásica (2001); Historia, arte, cultura: De Aby Warburg a Carlo Ginzburg (2003); Historia y ambivalencia: Ensayos sobre arte (2006); La imagen y la risa. Las Pathosformeln de lo cómico en el grabado europeo de la modernidad temprana (2007); En 2008, Adriana Hidalgo publicó sus Cartas Norteamericanas. (2008); Enciclopedia B-S. Un experimento de historiografía satírica (2011).

Canagarajah, Ruth: Undergraduate at Penn State University

Capuano, Claudio Francisco: Médico. Coordinador de la Cátedra Libre de Salud y Derechos Humanos de la Facultad de Medicina y Director del Centro de Documentacion Pedro de Sarasqueta, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Máster en Bioética y Derecho: Problemas en Salud y Biotecnología, Universidad de Barcelona, Promoción 2007-2009.

Cardoso Ribeiro, Mariana: Licenciada en Derecho, Magíster y Doctora en Historia Social. Posdoctoranda en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de San Pablo (Brasil). Becaria de CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior.

Carıkcı, Aleks Alaettin: Ph.D student in Leiden University, Literary Studies department in the Netherlands. His main research interest is about the trauma studies and the politics of public memory in contemporary Turkey related to the Armenian genocide and the Armenians. Carikci adopts an interdisciplinary approach to delineate the repercussions of memory and representations of violence in literature and contemporary art. He speaks Turkish, English, Dutch and intermediate level Armenian.

Cejas, Romina: Licenciada en Lengua Inglesa, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Profesora en Ingles, Instituto Superior del Profesorado “Ward”. Actualmente es profesora de Lengua y Cultura en el ISP “Ward” y Profesora Jefa de Trabajos Prácticos en la cátedra de Evaluación e Investigación Educativa en el Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesorado Técnico de la UTN.

Čekić, Smail: He is graduated from the History department at the School of Philosophy, Priština, got his masters degree from the School of Philosophy in Belgrade and Ph.D. from the School of Philosophy in Zadar. In December 1994, he was made an Associate Professor for the subject POLITICAL HISTORY at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Sarajevo. 1995 – 1997, he was the head of the Safety and Security Department at the same university. In 2001, he was appointed as Professor of the subject History of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the Sarajevo University. At this same university he is a professor of History of Wars and Genocide.

Cekic, Smail: Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences, and the Director of the Institute for Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law of the Sarajevo University.

Chalk, Frank: Professor of History and Director, Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies at Concordia University. Is a pioneer in the field of genocide scholarship and co-founder of the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS).

Cherkaoui, Hicham: Member in Arab expert team of transitionnel justice Academique Research in Transitionel justice / Coordinator Morrocan coalition for international criminal court

Christian Gudehus: Kulturwissenschatfliches Institute, managing director of the CMR. Main fields of research are memory studies and reception studies (focussing on film, exhibitions, and memorials) as well aspects of collective violence. Current research projects concern helping behaviour of Germans who supported Jews to survive the persecution during the Third Reich and research on the mentalities of German and Italian World War II soldiers. He was Professeur Invité at Sciences Po (Paris), Goethe Institute Scholar in Residence at the Center of Genocide Studies, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (Buenos Aires), and Visiting Fellow at the Shue Yan University Hong Kong.

Colectivo Justicia Ya: Querellante en diversas causas que se siguen contra partícipes y miembros de la última dictadura militar en Argentina. Integrado por AEDD, APDH (La PLata), Asociación Anahí, Ce ProDH, CODESEDH, Comision de DDHH del Partido Comunista, Com. de DDHH de Uruguayos en Argentina, Comisión por los DDHH de Trenque Lauquen Prov. de Bs. As., COMITE DE ACCION JURIDICA (CAJ), CORREPI, CTA Reg. Berisso-La Plata, CTA Prov. de Bs. As., FAMILIARES (La Plata), FIDELA, H.I.J.O.S. (La Plata), H.I.J.O.S. (Zona Oeste), Liberpueblo, Liga Argentina por los Derechos del Hombre, Madres de Plaza de Mayo (La Plata), Vecinos de San Cristóbal contra la impunidad.

Cooper, Stephen: author of Full of Life: A Biography of John Fante and the editor of The John Fante Reader and Perspectives on John Huston. His other publications include numerous short stories, articles, and critical essays on the intersections of literature, film, and history. He is Professor of English at California State University, Long Beach, where he teaches creative writing, literature, and theory of fiction and film.

Crowder-Taraborrelli, Tomás: visiting professor of Latin American Studies at Soka University of America (SUA). Before coming to SUA, he was a fellow in the Humanities at Stanford University where he completed research for his upcoming co-edited collection "Film and Genocide". Currently, he is working on a manuscript entitled Documentary Film and the Condor Years. He has published articles in film magazines and serves as a coordinating editor for the journal "Latin American Perspectives".

Darbinyan, Asya: is a senior research fellow of Armenian Genocide Museum- Institute, at the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia

Dávila Gómez, César Augusto: Licenciado en Economía, Representante del Presidente Constitucional de la República de Guatemala ante la Comisión Nacional de Resarcimiento y Presidente de dicha Comisión. Experiencia en trabajo de desarrollo local y participación ciudadana.

Deflander, Johan: Head of Mission, La Benevolencija, Burundi.

del Río, Walter: es historiador, magister en Etnohistoria de la Universidad de Chile y doctor en antropología . Es becario del Conicet y se desempeña en la sección antropología y etnografía de la facultad de Filosofía y letras de la UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES. Escribió recientemente el libro "Memorias de la expropiación. Sometimiento e incorporación indígena en la Patagonia (1872-1943)".

Despouy, Leandro: Abogado, especialización en Derecho Internacional Publico en la rama de los Derechos Humanos y del Derecho Internacional Humanitario. Experto en Reforma del Estado, Cooperación y Negociación Internacional. Presidente de la Auditoría General de la Nación desde marzo de 2002, es asimismo Relator Especial de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas sobre independencia de magistrados y abogados desde 2003 entre otros cargos diplomáticos.

Der Ghougassian, Khatchik: Ph.D. en Estudios Internacionales de la University of Miami y una Maestría en Ciencias Sociales con especialización en Relaciones Internacionales de FLACSO/Argentina. Se desempeña como docente universitario desde 1994, y ha enseñado en universidades nacionales (USAL, UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES, Universidad Nacional de La plata y la Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires) e internacionales (University of Miami, American University of Armenia Ereván, Armenia, y el Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales en Quito, Ecuador). Se incorporó a la Universidad de San Andrés en agosto de 2004. Es especialista en temas de seguridad internacional, y ha publicado capítulos de libros, artículos y ensayos.

Di Matteo Demirdjian, María Florencia: UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES, CONICET, CLEGDH. Es Licenciada y Profesora en Enseñanza Media y Superior en Ciencias de la Educación (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES) y Especialista en Didáctica (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES). Actualmente cursa estudios de Maestría en Didáctica (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES). Becaria de la UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES e investigadora en formación del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Educación (IICE) desde el año 2006. Se desempeñó y desempeña como docente en los niveles medio y superior de la enseñanza en temas de Psicología educacional y Didáctica.

Drnovšek, Sanja: Institute for the Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law, University of Sarajevo. Director of the Bosnian-American Genocide Institute and Education Center.

Drouin, Marc: graduado en Historia de América Latina en la Universidad de Montreal. Su tesis doctoral examina el control y la vigilancia de grupos sociales, políticos y profesionales en el entorno urbano guatemalteco, así como su destrucción total o parcial entre los años 1954 y 1984. Ha trabajado y estudiado en Guatemala desde 1995.

Drumond, Paula: Lecturer at the Institute of International Relations at the Pontifical Catholic University - Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). She holds an MA in International Relations from PUC-Rio. Her research has focused on genocide studies, gender, and international security. Drumond has Bachelor’s degrees in Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) and in International Relations from PUC-Rio.

Dürr, Christian: Dr., he studied philosophy and contemporary history at the University of Vienna. Since 1999 he has been staff member of the Mauthausen Memorial Archives, since 2005 its director. Several publications and editorial projects on the C.C Mauthausen and its sub-camps. He is Curator of the permanent exhibition at the concentration camp memorial site in Gusen. He is currently head curator of the upcoming permanent exhibition at the Mauthausen Memorial and member of the steering group on the general redesign of the Mauthausen Memorial.

Edelman, Lucila Irene: Médica. Psiquiatra. Psicoterapeuta. Equipo Argentino de Trabajo e Investigación Psicosocial (EATIP). Equipo de Asistencia Psicológica de las Madres de Plaza de Mayo (1979-1990). Beca Gugenheim 2004, en co autoría con la Dra. Diana Kordon. Proyecto “Efectos psicológicos multigeneracionales de la represión de la dictadura”.

Effiong, Philip U.: Originally from Akwa Ibom State in southeastern Nigeria. After teaching in the university for over ten years, he worked as an Oracle Programmer and then as a full-time writer and editorial consultant from late 1998 to 2006. Ph.D. Professor of English, started teaching at the University of Maryland in the fall of 2006. His areas of specialty are literature, writing, drama, and cultural studies. Originally from Akwa Ibom State in southeastern Nigeria, after teaching in the university for over ten years, worked as an Oracle Programmer and then as a full-time writer and editorial consultant from late 1998 to 2006.

Ekwe-Ekwe, Herbert: Professor, independent scholar on inclusive state systems and the rights of constituent peoples. He has lectured and published widely on the Igbo genocide, May 1966-January 1970. Biafra Revisited (2006) is one of his books on the genocide. His new book, Readings from Reading: Essays on African Politics, Genocide, Literature, is published in May 2011 by African Renaissance/African Books Collective/Michigan State University Press.

Eltringham, Nigel: Senior Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of Sussex UK. Nigel Eltringham received a first degree in History from St Andrews (1993), an MPhil in Development Studies from Cambridge (1995), and a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from the School of Oriental and African Studies, London (2001). He also taught at SOAS, where he held an ESRC postdoctoral research fellowship. Nigel joined the Anthropology Department in 2003. Nigel is currently conducting research on the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (Arusha, Tanzania) supported by the Nuffield Foundation and the British Academy. Nigel is a member of the Justice and Violence Research Centre.

Ensign, Margee: Dr., President of the American University of Nigeria. She has recently published Rwanda: History and Hope, with co-author Dr. William Bertrand from Tulane University. The book focuses on how Rwanda has been rebuilding since the genocide of 1994 and details the progress in health, education, governance and gender equity. She is currently working on two research projects: one focused on the role of the Catholic Church in the genocide of 1994 and the second on women involved in the genocide and those who helped stopped it.

Fagin, Amy: independent fine artist specializing in the traditional art of the illuminated manuscript. She is the author of Beyond Genocide. Beyond Genocide is an emerging series of 24 contemporary illuminated manuscripts exploring the legacy of genocide and mass annihilation around the globe. The series is created as a traveling exhibition which is displayed in museums, colleges and universities, high schools and public institutions internationally. Beyond Genocide is designed as a universally accessible visual arts experience for a young adult / adult audience.

Feierstein, Daniel: es Director del Centro de Estudios sobre Genocidio de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero. Es Doctor en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, donde también ha creado la Sociología Especial "Análisis de las prácticas sociales genocidas" en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, donde se desempeña como Profesor Titular. Investigador del CONICET. Vicepresidente 2do de IAGS. Fue consultor independiente de las Naciones Unidas. Entre sus últimas obras se encuentran Genocidio como práctica social (FCE, Buenos Aires, 2007), State Violence and Genocide in Latin America (Routledge, New York, 2010), Terrorismo de Estado y Genocidio en América Latina (Prometeo, Buenos Aires, 2009), Genocidio. La administración de la muerte en la modernidad (EDUNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRES DE FEBRERO, Caseros, 2005) y numerosos artículos en journals nacionales e internacionales, en español, inglés y hebreo.

Feierstein, Liliana Ruth: Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES), Maestra en Ciencias (Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Avanzados, México), Doctora en Filosofía (Universidad Heinrich Heine, Düsseldorf). Actualmente es investigadora de la Universidad de Heidelberg en el proyecto "Narrativas del terror y la desaparición" del European Research Council.

Ferioli Seragopian, Daniel: Médico Psiquiatra UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES. Psicoterapeuta/Psicoanalista.

Fernando, Jude Lal: Dr. Is from Sri Lanka who is currently living in exile in Ireland. He is working as a research fellow and a lecturer in the Irish School of Ecumenics in Trinity College Dublin where he obtained his doctorate. He also teaches 'Peace and Conflict in South Asia' in Dublin City University, and 'Religion, Conflict and Peace' in Carlow College, Ireland. He is also the main coordinator of the Peoples' Tribunal on Sri Lanka which found the Sri Lankan government guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. The Tribunal was organized by the Irish Forum for Peace in Sri Lanka, a Dublin-based human rights organization of which he is a founding member and the coordinator.

Flores, Marcello: Professor of Comparative History and Contemporary History at the University of Siena where he is also the co-ordinator of the European Master in Human Rights and Genocide Studies. Among his books are: Storia dei diritti umani, 2008, forthcoming as The Story of Human Rights by Kingston University Press in 2011; Il genocidio degli armeni (The Armenian genocide, 2006); and La fine del comunismo. Vent'anni dope il crollo (The End of Communism. Twenty Years after the Fall, 2011).

Fonseca, Bruna: senior undergraduate student in International Relations in the International Relations Institute, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. She is also South America's Second Correspondent for The Sentinel Project for Genocide Prevention.

Forgione, Paola: Ph.D. candidate - University of Pavia.

Fraudatario, Simona: Investigadora de la Fundación Basso-Sección internacional.

Frieze, Donna-Lee: Dr., has taught a graduate unit on Genocide Studies for ten years at Deakin University, Melbourne. In 2009 she was joint consulting scholar for a conference on Raphael Lemkin and sole consulting scholar for a six month exhibition on Lemkin, both at the Center for Jewish History in New York City. She is part of a research team publishing a history of the Jewish Holocaust Centre in Melbourne and is the editor of Raphael Lemkin’s autobiography (Yale University Press, 2012, forthcoming).

Frostig, Karen: Ph.D., 2002. She is The Union Institute and University, Cincinnati, OH. Associate Professor, Lesley University, Cambridge, MA. Resident Scholar, Women’s Studies Research Center, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA. Works as a conceptual, interdisciplinary artist engaged in international activist projects dealing with traumatic memory, inherited erasures, and new forms of testimony. She exhibits her work across the US, and in Europe and the Middle East.

Gallimore, Rangira Béa: Ph.D., associate professor at the University of Missouri—Columbia where she teaches and researches on women and violence. She has published books and articles in the field of Francophone Studies and on the genocide in Rwanda. She served as consultant to UNESCO and other international organizations on the role of women in post-conflict recovery. She is the founder and president of Step Up! American Association for Rwandan Women, an organization created to respond to the ongoing trauma experienced by Rwandan genocide survivors. She is also a co-founder and member of the board of the Interdisciplinary Genocide Studies Center in Rwanda.

Gallimore, Tim: Spokesperson for the Prosecutor of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda from 2004 to 2008. He is an international communication consultant and mass media trainer who worked as a journalist and taught journalism at four universities in the U.S. He earned a Ph.D. in mass communications from Indiana University in 1992. He was a Fulbright scholar to Hungary and Poland in 1994.

Gallis, Tiberius: Managing Director of the Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation, New York and Poland, from September 2008 to the present. Fellowships: Rose Fellow for Graduate Studies in Holocaust History (2003-2008). Publications: "Redefining Sudden Contact," co-authored with Caitlin Mahoney, Culture and Psychology, September 2006.

García, Natalia: profesora en Ciencias de la Educación, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, egresada en el año 2003. Doctoranda del Doctorado en Educación, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos (2007- 2010) bajo dirección de Dra. Graciela Frigerio. Becaria doctoral I de Conicet (2008 – 2011). Becaria doctoral II de Conicet (2011 – 2013). Ambas, con dirección Dra. Carolina Kaufmann.

Garibian, Sévane: Doctor of Law, specialized in International Criminal Law and Legal Theory. She is assistant professor at the Univ. of Geneva, lecturer at the Univ. of Neuchâtel, Swiss National Science Foundation post-doctoral research fellow and associated researcher at the “Centre de Théorie et Analyse du Droit” (Univ. of Paris X / CNRS). She is also visiting scholar at the Univ. of Buenos Aires. She currently works on the legal national treatment of the dictatorial past in Argentina en Spain.

Gatti, Gabriel: Profesor titular de sociología en la Universidad del País Vasco; coordinador del Centro de Estudios sobre la Identidad Colectiva; co-responsable del Comité de Recherche n. 1 de la Association Internationale des Sociologues de Langue Française; director de la revista Papeles del CEIC. Es autor, entre otros, de los siguientes libros: La comunidad como pretexto. En torno al (re)surgimiento de las solidaridades comunitarias, Anthropos, 2010; El detenido-desaparecido. Narrativas posibles para una catástrofe de la identidad, Trilce, Montevideo, 2008; Identidades débiles. Una propuesta teórica aplicada al estudio de la identidad en el País Vasco, CIS, Madrid, 2007.

Germann, Christophe: Post-doctoral Research Fellow - Swiss National Science Foundation Fellowship. He is an attorney at law admitted to the bar of Geneva and is authorized to practice both in Switzerland and in the European Union. Holds a Ph.D. from the University of Berne Law School, where his doctoral thesis focused on cultural diversity and international trade regulations. From 2009 to the present, Christophe Germann is working as a visiting research fellow on cultural genocide in international law at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law of the University of Cambridge and at the Genocide Studies Program at the Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies of Yale University.

Giovannelli, Liliana: Psicóloga. Miembro de la Comisión por la Memoria, la Verdad y la Justicia de Zona Norte.

Gomez-Suarez, Andrei: is a Lecturer in International Security & DPhil Candidate in International Relations at University of Sussex Falmer, Brighton

González, Ana: Licenciada en Antropología Social, especialista en derechos humanos, derechos de las mujeres y derechos de los pueblos indígenas, temas sobre los cuales tiene numerosas publicaciones. Fue funcionaria de la Secretaría de Derechos Humanos, del Instituto Nacional contra la Discriminación, la Xenofobia y el Racismo, y del Instituto Nacional de Asuntos Indígenas de Argentina. Fue funcionaria de la ONU en la Misión de Paz para Guatemala. Profesora adjunta en la Cátedra de Cultura de Paz y Derechos Humanos, en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES.

Goyochea, Agueda: estudiante de Derecho de la UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES. Trabajó en la realización de materiales de estudio sobre ¨Memoria y dictadura¨ desde el Ministerio de Educación de la CABA y el Instituto Espacio para la Memoria. Formo parte del equipo de investigación del Fondo Documental Conadep, actualmente Registro Único de Victimas. Integra el Colectivo de Hijos.

Gruner, Wolf: Ph.D. in History, 1994, Technical University Berlin. Holds the Shapell-Guerin Chair in Jewish Studies and is Professor of History at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles/USA. He is the author of seven books on several aspects of the Holocaust, e.g. “Jewish Forced Labor under the Nazis. Economic Needs and Nazi Racial Aims”, with Cambridge University Press (2006). Currently, he is leading the 2020 interdisciplinary research cluster “Resistance to Genocide” at USC.

Guerazzi, Amedeo Osti: Born 1967 in Rome. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Turin (Italy) and holds a scholarship from the German Historical Institute (Istituto Storico Germanico) in Rome. His main research interests are the history of social policy and the trade union movement in Italy and the history of fascism and collaboration in Italy during the second World War (esp. 1943-1945).

Guilis, Alberto: Argentina. Economista (UBA), Director del Centro de Investigaciones sobre Genocidio y Fuerzas Sociales (CIG-UPMPM). Director Carrera “Capitalismo y Derechos Humanos” y Docente cátedra “Modernidad y Genocidio” (Universidad Popular Madres de Plaza de Mayo). Expositor en los Congresos Internacionales de Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos. Buenos Aires, 2002 al 2009. Expositor en el Primer Encuentro Internacional “Análisis de las Prácticas Sociales Genocidas", Buenos Aires, 2003. Panelista en el en el Congreso Internacional “Los pasados traumáticos en las sociedades contemporáneas”, organizado por el CNRS de Francia, Buenos Aires, 2006.

Gutiérrez Tapia, Cristian: Licenciado en Historia y Ciencias Sociales. Cursando Magíster en Historia de América, Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Desde el año 2009 se desempeña como miembro docente del Área de Educación de la Corporación Parque Por La Paz Villa Grimaldi. Su línea de investigación aborda principalmente temas de violencia política, genocidio e historia reciente de Chile.

Habonimana, Balthazar: Conference on Genocide Prevention of the Great Lakes. H.E. Ambassador. Head of the mission of Burundi to the EC,

Haskollar, Elçin: Center for the Study of Genocide, Conflict Resolution, and Human Rights. Rutgers, University of New Jersey. Thesis Title: Democracy and Islam: Drawing on the Insights of a Post-modern Puzzle in Conflict Resolution Studies - S.Arabia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Turkey. Is a writer, editor, researcher, Instructor of Political Science and a Ph.D. student.

Hatcher, Rachel: Ph.D. candidate in History at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada. Her research explores how the recently concluded civil wars in El Salvador and Guatemala are remembered, forgotten, and spoken about on the national stage. She is also an adjunct instructor at Prince George's Community College in Maryland.

Hernández, María Susana: Médica (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES). Especialista en Terapia Intensiva. Postgrado en psicoanálisis. Miembro de la Comisión por la Memoria, la Verdad y la Justicia de Zona Norte. Desarrolla tareas vinculadas a la investigación judicial por delitos de Lesa Humanidad y actividades vinculadas a la reconstrucción de la memoria histórica, la lucha contra la impunidad. Desarrolla tareas vinculadas al área de difusión.

Hill, Geoff: is a Zimbabwean who has reported on Africa for more that 30 years. He is a member of the Advisory Council and moderator of the IAGS List Server

Hinton, Alex: Founder and Director of the Center for the Study of Genocide, Conflict Resolution, and Human Rights and Professor of Anthropology and Global Affairs at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-Newark, Newark. He is the author of the award-winning Why Did They Kill? Cambodia in the Shadow of Genocide (California, 2005) and six edited or co-edited collections, including, most recently, Transitional Justice: Global Mechanisms and Local Realities after Genocide and Mass Violence (Rutgers, 2010).

Hirsch, Herbert: Professor, L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs; Co-editor of Genocide Studies and Prevention Virginia Commonwealth University

Holslag, Anthonie: Dr., anthropologist working for the University of Amsterdam who has done research on the transgenerational consequences of genocide in the Armenian Diaspora communities in both the Netherlands and London. His ethnographic research has been published and well received in 2009. The English translation of his work, where he will put more focus on genocidal violence and the consequences of this violence on a) the constructing of the Armenian identity in Diaspora communities and b) the reproduction of social suffering, will be published in 2011. The tentative title of his book is “Near the foot of Ararat”. At this moment he gives lectures on the University of Amsterdam regarding modern ethnography, discourse analysis, collective trauma, genocidal violence and the reproduction and prolonging of social suffering.

Immler, Nicole L.: Historian and Kulturwissenschaftlerin, Post-Doc Researcher at the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM) and at the Research Institute for History and Culture (OGC), University of Utrecht

Irvin, Douglas S.: Center for the Study of Genocide, Conflict Resolution, and Human Rights. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Isaacs, Anita: is Professor of Social Science at the Department of Political Science, Benjamin R. Collins, Haverford College

Johnson, Ashley Lyn: doctoral student in peace studies and history in the Kroc joint degree program. She earned a B.A. in peace studies and history from Whitworth University. Her research interests include comparative genocide and ethnic conflict, and she has conducted research in Rwanda on these topics. At Notre Dame, her research focuses on historical memory and identity formation, especially processes of historical construction before and after genocide.

Jones Dickens, Sarah: doctoral student at Duke University studying contemporary global art history and visual culture. Sarah is the recipient of numerous fellowships and awards for her research on the Cambodian genocide, most notably the J. William Fulbright Fellowship (2007-2008), the Henry Luce Foundation Center for Khmer Studies' Fellowship (2007); and the US Department of State Foreign Language Area Studies Award for Khmer (Summer 2010) and Vietnamese (Academic Year 2011-2012). Sarah is also actively involved with the Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam) and the Cambodian Ministry of Education's Cambodian Genocide Education Project. She is also a Curatorial Advisor to DC-Cam's permanent museum, the Sleuk Rith Institute.

Jones, Adam: Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of British Columbia Okanagan (UBCO) in Kelowna, Canada. He is author of Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction (2nd edition, 2010) and author or editor of a dozen other books, including Gendercide and Genocide (2004), Crimes Against Humanity: A Beginner's Guide (2008), and the forthcoming New Directions in Genocide Research (2011). He is executive director of Gendercide Watch (www.gendercide.org) and book review editor of the Journal of Genocide Research.

Kagabo, José: Ph.D. is Associate Professor of History and Anthropology of East Africa at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris (France). He used to teach in others French universities. He was also many times invited abroad as Visiting Professor. He has also a long experience in Rwanda: Visiting Professor for many years in different universities. Kagabo is author of two books, many contributions and articles on History of islam in east Africa, and on the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.

Karegeye, Jean Pierre: Director Interdisciplinary Genocide Studies Center/Rwanda - Assistant professor, Macalester College/USA. Assistant professor recently completed his Ph.D. at the University of California at Berkeley. Trained in Social ethics, philosophy, African Linguistics and literary analysis and theory, he specializes in African literature. His research focuses on the 1994 Rwandan genocide in literature in dialogue with ethical, political and philosophical discourses. He is the co-founder of IGSC (the Interdisciplinary Genocide Studies Center) in Kigali, Rwanda. Publications include edited books: L’Eglise catholique à l’épreuve du génocide (Africana, 2000), Récits du génocide, traversée de la mémoire (Espace de Libertés, 2009).

Karović, Merisa: graduated in 2006 from the Department of History, Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo. She works as a Research Assistant at the Institute for the Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law of the University of Sarajevo and she attends the Postgraduates studies at the Department of History of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 19th and 20th century. She works on a final thesis under the title: “Mass Killings of Civilians in Sarajevo under Siege 1992-1995” at the institute for the Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law, University of Sarajevo

Kempff, Isabel: Conference on Genocide Prevention of the Great Lakes. She is OHCHR-s Regional Human Rights Advisor. OHCHR works with the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region to address regional human rights concerns.

Kersner, Daniel: Médico especialista en Psicología Médica. Miembro del Comité Ejecutivo del Equipo Argentino de Trabajo e Investigación Psicosocial (EATIP)

Khosroeva, Anahit: Ph.D., Senior Researcher in the Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, and has been a scholar in residence at North Park University in Chicago, USA, where she taught a course on 20th century genocides. Her Ph.D. dissertation is titled "The Assyrian Massacres in the Ottoman Turkey and the Adjacent Turkish territories (End of the 19th to the First Quarter of the 20th Century)." She is the author of the several books and numerous articles on the history of the Assyrian people, written in Armenian, Russian and English languages.

Kielsgard, Mark D.: JD, LLM, JSD is a former trial attorney from Washington D.C. and is now a Professor of law at City University of Hong Kong. Professor Kielsgard lectures and publishes in the areas of international criminal law, genocide, terrorism, and human rights law and has recently published a book entitled, “Reluctant Engagement: US Policy and the International Criminal Court.”

Kordon, Diana: Médica. Psiquiatra. Psicoterapeuta. Coordinadora del Equipo Argentino de Trabajo e Investigación Psicosocial (EATIP). Coordinadora del Equipo de Asistencia Psicológica de Madres de Plaza de Mayo (1979-1990). Beca Gugenheim 2004, en co autoría con la Dra. Lucila Edelman. Proyecto “Efectos psicológicos multigeneracionales de la represión de la dictadura”.

Korieh, Chima J: Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of African History at Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He has authored many articles and essays in journals, and edited 11 books. His publications include, The Land Has Changed: History, Society, and Gender in Colonial Eastern Nigeria (University of Calgary Press, 2010). He is the founder and editor of MBari.

Kuperman, Alan J.: Associate Professor at the LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin. He recently authored the chapter on “Humanitarian Intervention,” in Human Rights: Politics and Practice, ed. Michael Goodhart (Oxford University Press, 2009). He is author of The Limits of Humanitarian Intervention: Genocide in Rwanda (Brookings, 2001), and co-editor of Gambling on Humanitarian Intervention: Moral Hazard, Rebellion and Civil War (Routledge, 2006).

Kuzniecki, Uriel: estudiante de la licenciatura de Relaciones Internacionales en la Universidad de San Andrés. En 2010 ha realizado un intercambio académico en Sciences Po – L’Institut d’études politiques de Paris, campus euro-latinoamericano de Poitiers.

La Pointe, Tom: ABD (Comparative Literature), MA (Comparative Literature), BA English. He is Assistant Instructor at the English Department/Writing Program at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-Newark.

Lagos, Mariana: Médica Psiquiatra y Psicoterapeuta. Presidente del Capítulo de Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos de la Asociación de Psiquiatras Argentinos (APSA). Integrante de Áreas Clínica, Psicosocial y de Investigación y Coordinadora de Proyectos del Equipo Argentino de Trabajo e Investigación Psicosocial (EATIP). Consultora Psiquiatra del Programa de ayuda a sobrevivientes del Holocausto de la Fundación Tzedaka.

Lascano, Rodrigo: Licenciado en Sociología, egresado de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Lazic, Sladjana: Research Fellow/Ph.D. candidate, Department of Sociology and Political Science- Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Lazo, María Laura: Tesista Licenciatura en Historia, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Ayudante alumno en Proyecto de investigación: Política, sociedad y cultura en la historia reciente de Córdoba, CEA/UNC

Lazzara, Michael: Associate Professor of Latin American Literature and Culture at the University of California at Davis. Research Areas; Contemporary Latin American Literature and Culture, Literature of the Southern Cone, Chilean Culture, Dictatorships, Democratic Transitions, Trauma, Memory, Exile and Migration.

Le Fevre Cervini, Enzo Maria: Member of the Board of Trustees, Foundation for the International Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities –Associate Research Scholar, Center for International Conflict Resolution – Columbia University in the City of New York.

Lenton, Diana: Doctora en Ciencias Antropológicas de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Se especializa en antropología política e histórica. Es docente de las Universidades Nacionales de Buenos Aires, Córdoba y Santiago del Estero, e Investigadora Adjunta de CONICET. Desde 1994 analiza la política indigenista nacional. En los últimos tiempos inició una investigación sobre la historia y desarrollos de la militancia en organizaciones de Pueblos Originarios.

Leone, Miguel: Licenciado en Sociología por la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires y es profesor Ayudante de Segunda en la materia Sociología del Ciclo Básico Común de la misma universidad. Actualmente se encuentra cursando el Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales en la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Ha orientado su trayectoria académica en el estudio de las relaciones entre violencia política y movimientos e identidades indígenas en Guatemala y Argentina.

Lerner Silvia Rosa Nossek: formada en Derecho, Historia y Pedagogía, profesora de Historia, con especialización en Historia Judía. Especialista en Holocausto, por la Escuela Internacional de Estudios del Holocausto de Jerusalén, Israel con el Título de Morei Morim Lehoraat Hashoá. Realizó un Posgrado Lato Sensu en Historia del Siglo XX, en la Universidad Cándido Mendes de Rio de Janeiro con el proyecto La Producción Musical Durante el Holocausto. Partició de la organización académica de las Jornadas Interdisciplinares sobre el Estudio del Holocausto de Rio de Janeiro, desde 2007. Mestranda en el área de Psicoanálisis y Arte con el proyecto El Arte en Tiempos de Intolerancia en la Universidad Veiga de Almeida de Rio de Janeiro.

Lessa, Francesca: Research Associate of the Latin America International Affairs Programme - IDEAS Centre, London School of Economics

Levy, Guillermo: Sociólogo (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES). M.A. en Economía Política. Profesor Adjunto Interino de la UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRES DE FEBRERO y miembro del Centro de Estudios sobre Genocidio donde dirige el Proyecto de Investigación “Dictadura militar. Política, economía y sociedad en el partido de Tres de Febrero y en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires”.

Lewin, Helena: Es Doctora en Sociología de la Universidad de São Paulo (USP), con una Especialización en Demografía en El CELADE/ONU y en Desarrollo Rural em el Centro Interamericano de Ciencias Agrícolas/OEA Sub-Secretaria de Cultura de Estado de Rio de Janeiro desde 1998 al 99. Es actualmente Profesora Titular de la Universidad Federal Fluminense y Universidad Católica Pontificia de Rio de Janeiro y Coordinadora del Programa de Estudios Judíos de la Universidad del Estado de Rio de Janeiro.

Lindert, Jutta: M.A., MPH is professor of Public Health at the University of Applied Sciences in Ludwigsburg, Germany. She is president of the Public Mental Health Section of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA). Additionally, she is member of the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS) and lecturer at the “Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation” (AIPR). Before being appointed as Professor of Public Health she worked at different universities in the United Kingdom (at Queen Mary’s & The Barts in London) and in Germany (e.g. at the University of Bielefeld and at the University of Mainz).

Linn, Ruth: is a former Dearn ooat the faculty of education at the University of Haifa Israeli. She studies the field of moral psychology and focuses on issues associated with resistance to authority. She has written four books on the moral dilemmas faced by soldiers in the reserves during the Lebanon War in the early 1980s, on the Israeli reservist as a moral critic at the time of the (first) intifada, on the moral distress of mothers who are single by choice, and on the problematics of narrative representations of moral objection during the Holocaust. She is a winner of the Erikson Prize of the International Society of Political Psychology for her pioneering studies in the area of moral judgment of selective conscientious objectors during wartime.

Llonto, Pablo: Periodista y abogado. Como abogado integró los equipos que colaboraron ad honorem con el Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS) en 1985 en los juicios por desapariciones de personas durante la dictadura militar argentina y actualmente representa a familiares de desaparecidos en las causas penales de la ESMA, Campo de Mayo, Automotores Orletti, La Tablada y Superintendencia de Seguridad Federal.

Logan, Tricia: is a Ph.D. student in the department of History at Royal Holloway, University of London. Her dissertation topic focuses on history of residential schools and colonial genocide in Canada. She is also currently working for the Canadian Museum for Human Rights as a Researcher in the department of Research, Content and Scholarship. Tricia also holds a Master of Arts and Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies from the University of Manitoba.

Loureiro, Heitor de A. C.: Graduated in History at Federal University of Juiz de Fora – Brazil. Master's degree in Social History at Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo – Brazil. Invited professor. Extra-curricular course: “The place of Armenian Genocide in History”. 2010, at University of São Paulo - USP (Department of Eastern Arts/Armenian Course).

Ludueña Romandini, Fabián: Investigador del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) y del Instituto “Gino Germani” de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Profesor de Filosofía en el posgrado de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES) y profesor titular de Filosofía y Ética en la UADE. Su más reciente libro se titula La comunidad de los espectros I. Antropotecnia, Madrid / Buenos Aires, 2010.

Lundgren, Svante: Doctor of Theology and Adjunct Professor of Jewish Studies at Åbo Akademi University. He is the author of a dozen books in English, Swedish and Finnish. Among them two books on the Holocaust and one on the Ottoman Genocide Against Christian minorities.

Lundy, Patricia: senior lecturer in sociology at the University of Ulster, N. Ireland. She has researched and published widely on the topic of ‘truth’ recovery. Since 2005 she has been involved in an extensive research project on the Historical Enquiries Team (HET). The HET is a unique police-led initiative which breaks new ground in TJ and offers lessons internationally.

Macón, Cecilia: Lic. y Dra. en Filosofía (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES) y MSc en Teoría Política (London School of Economics and Political Science). Ha sido Becaria de la Fundación Antorchas y del British Council. Enseña e investiga Filosofía de la Historia en el Departamento de Filosofía de la UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES. Ha publicado artículos sobre cuestiones tales como la representación de los genocidios, teorías de género y el problema de la agencia en un marco poshistórico. Como editora ha publicado los libros Pensar la democracia, imaginar la transición, Trabajos de la memoria y Mapas de la transición -éste último en colaboración con Laura Cucchi.

Maitles, Henry: Professor in Education at the University of the West of Scotland. He researches and teaches in the area of citizenship and values and in particular the impact of citizenship initiatives, such as learning about the Holocaust, on the values and attitudes of school students. He was a member of the Scottish Executive Review Group which drew up the proposals for Education for Citizenship which is a policy priority in all Scottish schools. He is on the editorial boards of Educational Review, Genocide Studies and Prevention and Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies.

Malkidis, Theofanis: teaching at the Department of Language, Literature and Culture of the Black Sea Countries, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece, since 2000. His Ph.D. is entitled Policies from Greece and Turkey for Thrace. It focuses on the policies from Greece and Turkey for Thrace, in 19th and 20th century. His research interests are the Genocide and the international relations in modern period in Black Sea, Balkans, Russia and former Soviet Union.

Manukyan, Suren: Ph.D. in History. Deputy Director of Armenian Genocide Museum & Institute. was born in 1976 in Leninakan (now Giumry). In 1999 he graduated from the faculty of International Relations of Yerevan State University (YSU) with distinction. In 2003 he was a research student at the YSU faculty of history.

He has studied and done research abroad: from 1997-98 at Damascus Institute for Foreign Students (Syria); 1999-2000 at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow (Russia).

In 2002 Suren Manukyan composed his Ph.D. dissertation titled «Islamic Fundamentalism in Syria in the 1960s-80s».

Currently he works as scientific researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences in Armenia.

Marinozzi, Diego: Licenciado y profesor en Historia por la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Actualmente se encuentra trabajando sobre la Resistencia Armada a las dictaduras militares del Cono Sur en la región de Tres Fronteras (Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay) en el marco del Programa de Posgrado en Antropologia Social de la Universidad Nacional de Misiones.

Marinozzi, Maria Laura: lawyer from the Republic of San Marino, she hold a master degree on “Human Rights and Humanitarian Action” from Siena University, she is in her last Ph.D. year at Sant’Anna School for Advanced Studies (Pisa) with a dissertation titled: “Responsibility to Protect and Genocide Prevention, institutionalize the U.N. Early Warning System”. She worked several years at the San Marino Ministry of Foreign Affairs as head of the legal section both in the Capital and abroad. She is actually assistant to the “Master in Human Rights and Genocide Studies” teaching genocide prevention.

Marko, Leslie: Directora de Teatro y Educadora. Maestría en Teatro con la Disertación Educación y Sociedad: creaciones colectivas teatrales de empleados (actores y espectadores) en empresas ; doctoranda en Historia (Holocausto, Teatro y Educación), ambos por la Universidad de São Paulo (USP). Investigadora de LEER/USP/SP bajo la coordinación de la Prof. Dra. Maria Luiza Tucci Carneiro, en donde participa del proyecto Arqshoah (Archivo Virtual sobre Holocausto y Antisemitismo).

Marsoobian, Armen T.: Professor & Chairperson of Philosophy at Southern Connecticut State University (USA). Ph.D. State University of New York at Stony Brook. Editorin chief of the Wiley-Blackwell journal Metaphilosophy. Co-edited five books, including, Genocide’s Aftermath: Responsibility and Repair (with Claudia Card) (2007), The Philosophical Challenge of September 11 (2004), The Blackwell Guide to American Philosophy (2004). He has published articles in aesthetics, moral philosophy, genocide studies and American philosophy. “Acknowledging Intergenerational Moral Responsibility in the Aftermath of Genocide,” appeared in Genocide Studies and Prevention (2009).

Martínez Manzanero, Betsabe Adriana: Maestra por El Colegio de Michoacán, A. C. Actualmente estudiante del Doctorado Integral en Antropología Social por la misma Institución. Su proyecto de investigación se inicia a partir de las narraciones de los ex refugiados guatemaltecos asentados en México. Estas narraciones denotan las prácticas de autoconstrucción de la memoria de la población sobreviviente al genocidio guatemalteco y de las generaciones nacidas en territorio mexicano. Asimismo explora la existencia de una diáspora guatemalteca.

Medina Bustos, Ayeray: Psychologist and holds three masters’ degrees, from Applied Ethics, Child Studies and Scandinavian History. She is a Ph.D. candidate in Peace and Development at Leeds Metropolitan University. Faculty of Health and Social Sciences. Leeds, LS6 3QS. United Kingdom. She is currently working at CPV (Center for victims' rights and protection) in Bahía Blanca and one of the psychologists in the trials of crimes against humanity in Argentina, Bahía Blanca.

Midlarsky, Elizabeth: Ph.D., Professor in the Department of Counseling and Clinical Psychology at Columbia University, Teachers College. Her research is on altruism, caring, and compassion, with a strong focus on altuism during the Holocaust. Her NIH funded research has been published in the J of Positive Psych, J of Personality Psych, and by the American Psychological Association.

Midlarsky, Manus I.: Moses and Annuta Back Professor of International Peace and Conflict Resolution at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-Newark, New Brunswick. He has recently published the Origins of Political Extremism: Mass Violence in the Twentieth Century and Beyond (Cambridge University Press, March 2011). This work is an amplification and extension of The Killing Trap: Genocide in the Twentieth Century (Cambridge University Press, 2005).

Mindlis, Irina: estudiante de Psicología en la Universidad de Palermo en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Parte de su carrera fue realizada en Birbeck College, University of London. Investiga en temas relacionados con eugenesia e historiografía en salud mental.

Molinari, Lucrecia: Becaria CONICET. Maestranda en Estudios Latinoamericanos (UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE SAN MARTÍN). Miembro del Centro de Estudios sobre Genocidio (CEG - UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRES DE FEBRERO).

Mucyo, Jean De Dieu: Survivor, Executive Secretary, Rwanda National Commission for the Fight against Genocide, Former Rwandan Minister of Justice and Former Prosecutor General of Rwanda.

Mukantabana, Mathilde: MA in History and MSW (Masters in Social Work) degrees, has been a history professor at Cosumnes River College for several years. She is also the President of Friends of Rwanda Association (F.O.R.A). Under the aegis of F.O.R.A she has organized numerous workshops and international conferences dealing with the Rwandan experience. She has been teaching in the social work program she helped to found at the National University of Rwanda. She is a board member of the Holocaust and Genocide Lecture Series at Sonoma State University in California.

Muller, Adam: Dr., Associate Professor of English, Film, and Theatre as well as a Research Associate with the University of Manitoba’s Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics and Centre for Defence and Security Studies. He specializes in literary theory, philosophy, and cultural studies and his research considers the representation of war and genocide across a variety of media, but especially film. He is the editor of Concepts of Culture: Art, Politics, and Society (2006) and coeditor of the forthcoming Representing War Across the Disciplines: Theory, Culture, Critical Practice (2011).

Muñoz Osorio, Natalia: Socióloga de la Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana, Especialista en derechos humanos de la Universidad del País Vasco, con experiencia en procesos investigativos sobre conflicto armado y derechos humanos y procesos de intervención en fortalecimiento organizativo y acompañamiento a víctimas. En la actualidad es miembro del Movimiento Nacional de Víctimas de Crímenes de Estado (MOVICE) en el cual apoya especialmente el tema de Verdad y Memoria.

Navarro, Nela: Associate Director/Director of Education for the Center for the Study of Genocide, Conflict Resolution and Human Rights at Rutgers -Newark. Prior to joining Rutgers she taught at Columbia University and Shanghai International Studies University. She is an experienced language, culture and human rights educator. She trained teachers and developed curricula for publishers, ministries of education and nongovernmental organizations worldwide

Ndahiro, Tom: Researcher, Interdisciplinary Genocide Studies Center. Former rwandan human rights commissioner.

Nossek Lerner, Silvia Rosa: Maestra de Historia – Especialista en Holocausto y Maestranda en Psicoanálisis y Arte en la Universidad Veiga de Almeida – Rio de Janeiro

Obel Hansen, Thomas: Assistant professor of international law with the United States International Univeristy in Nairobi. He holds a Ph.D. in transitional justice from Aarhus University Law School in Denmark. He has lectured and published on transitional justice, international criminal law, conflict prevention, human rights and the law and politics of countries in East Africa."

Oberschall, Anthony: retired professor emeritus of sociology at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. His latest book is "Conflict and Peace Building in Divided Societies. Responses to Ethnic Violence" (2007). He was an expert witness at the ICTY war crimes trial of Vojislav Seselj at The Hague, and wrote a report for the ICTY titled "Vojislav Seselj's nationalist propaganda: contents, techniques, aims and impacts, 1990-1994".

O'Brien, Melanie: is a research fellow in the Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security at Griffith University in Australia. Her research areas include international criminal law, human rights, peacekeeping, feminist legal theory, public international law, comparative criminal law, and military law. She completed her Ph.D. in international criminal law, human rights law, and peacekeeping at the University of Nottingham, UK. Melanie's past work positions includes the OTP of the ICC, the Human Rights Law Centre of Nottingham Uni, and in the DPKO at the UN. She is an admitted legal practitioner.

Ogata, Tetsushi: Director of the Genocide Prevention Program at the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (S-CAR), George Mason University. He has been involved in management and execution of the Engaging Governments on Genocide Prevention (EGGP). He is a Cumbie Fellow and teaches genocide prevention courses at the undergraduate program of S-CAR. He is a doctoral candidate at S-CAR. He completed his BA in Liberal Arts with concentration in International Studies from Soka University of America and his MS in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University.

Ohanian, Bárbara I.: Licenciada en Sociología egresada de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES. Actualmente es becaria de CONICET radicada en el Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, donde es miembro del Programa de Estudios sobre Control Social (PECOS). Tesista invitada del Centro de Estudios sobre Genocidio de la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero. Sus estudios se han desarrollado en torno a las temáticas de movimientos sociales, control social, genocidio y memoria.

Omerović, Enis: LL.B. LL.M. Ph.D. candidate in the field of Public International Law. Upon completion of the Law Faculty in Sarajevo, he graduated from the University of Glasgow, School of Law (United Kingdom) in which acquired a Master of Legal Studies in the field of International Law in 2006. He returned to Bosnia and Herzegovina where he worked as an Assistant in Public International Law at the University of Tuzla, and later as a Senior Assistant in Administrative Law at the University of Zenica. He has been employed at the Institute for Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law of the University of Sarajevo since 2008.

Pabón, Carlos: Catedrático, es docente universitario en el - Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Puerto Rico

Pagés, Natalio: Licenciado en Sociología (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES). Se desempeña como investigador de apoyo en el proyecto UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRESCyT 2010-2012 “Comunidad y lazo social en la teoría social clásica y contemporánea” que dirige Pablo De Marinis (CONICET). Ejerce como Orientador Social en equipos de Orientación Escolar (Dir. de Psicología Comunitaria y Pedagogía Social del Gob. de la Prov. de Bs. As.). Estudiante de Realización Cinematográfica en ENERC (INCAA).

Parsamyan, Seda: Researchеr and head of department of research of memories and documentation of the Armenian Genocide Museum – Institute.

Partee, Kimberly: student in the Ph.D. program of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University. Her research interests include exploring how the impact of physical place, post-war crime trials, and the media in particular influence the perception and creation of history. Partee is currently in the beginning stages of her dissertation research, “The Trawniki Men: Nazi Prisoners and death camp guards.”

Patterson, David: holds the Hillel Feinberg Chair in Holocaust Studies at the University of Texas at Dallas. A winner the National Jewish Book Award and the Koret Jewish Book Award, Professor Patterson has published more than 30 books and more than 140 articles and book chapters. His most recent books are Genocide in Jewish Thought; A Genealogy of Evil: Antisemitism from Nazism to Islamic Jihad; and Emil L. Fackenheim: A Jewish Philosopher’s Response to the Holocaust.

Perazzo, Silvia Alejandra: Profesora de Historia. Docente de la Universidad del Salvador y la Universidad de Palermo. Investigadora del IDICSO. Presidente de la Asociación para las Naciones Unidas de la República Argentina (ANU-AR). Directora de Relaciones Internacionales del Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas- Museo Roca. Es autora de diversos artículos sobre conflictos armados africanos publicados en revistas académicas de Argentina, Chile, México y España.

Périès, Gabriel: Licenciado de Derecho, Doctor en Ciencias Políticas y en Ciencias de la Información de la Comunicación de Paris I / Panthéon-Sorbonne. Profesor, dirige el Dpto de Lenguas Ciencias Humanas (LSH) de Télécom Ecole de Management. Juez en la Corte Nacional del Derecho de Asilo (CNDA-France) es un especialista de las doctrinas militares contrainsurgentes y de sus aplicaciones, especialmente en Argentina y en Ruanda.

Peroomian, Rubina: Ph.D., has taught Armenian Studies courses at UCLA and lectured widely. Author of several research articles and books including Literary Responses to Catastrophe: A Comparison of the Armenian and the Jewish Experience, And those who Continued Living in Turkey after 1915 The Metamorphoses of the Post-Genocide Armenian Identity as Reflected in Artistic Literature, a series of secondary textbooks on the Armenian Question, and an online guide to teach the Armenian Genocide K-12.

Perry, Ashlie: Global Affairs Ph.D. Candidate - Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-Newark- Newark Campus.

Pilkington, Richard: Ph.D. candidate at the University of Toronto. His dissertation, entitled “A ‘Time When Principles Make Best Politics’? The Western Response to ‘Genocide’ in East Pakistan”, investigates the formulation of and interplay between the British, Canadian and U.S. responses to the atrocities of 1971. Richard was Lead Researcher on the conceptual phase of the Will to Intervene project.

Pinto Soares, Patricia: holds a Ph.D. from the European University Institute, in Florence, and she has been a research guest with different academic institutions. In 2009-2010 she was a research fellow with Johns Hopkins University in Washington D.C. In addition, Patricia practiced law for two years in Lisbon, Portugal. She was a research assistant to Professor Francesco Francioni in the EUI and she interned with ECCC in Phnom Penh. Currently, she is a trainee with the Office of Legal Affairs of Interpol, in Lyon.

Poberezny, Gennadi: Research Fellow Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute.

Pohlman, Annie: Program Leader for Southeast Asia at the Asia-Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect (APR2P) at the University of Queensland, Australia. The Centre carries out research and advocacy on the prevention of mass atrocity crimes in Southeast Asia. Annie has just completed her Ph.D., entitled ‘Ashes in My Mouth: Women, Testimony and Violence during the Indonesian Massacres of 1965-66.’ Her research and publishing areas are Indonesian studies, comparative genocide studies, torture and gendered experiences of violence.

Pomakoy, Keith: Keith Pomakoy is associate professor of history at SUNY Adirondack in Queensbury, NY. His work examines foreign policy and genocide rescue. He has a particular interest in the use of philanthropy as an agent of rescue. He has recently published a book length study titled Helping Humanity: American Policy and Genocide Rescue. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2011.

Ramic, Emir: Director Institute for Research of Genocide of Canada.

Reil, Emilie: graduate student at Walden University Online: MA Public Administration: Terrorism, Mediation and Peace Specializing in the Armenian Genocide of 1915 B.S. Applied Psychology: Minor in Anthropology Work experience in economic and cultural community development Background in History, Visual Communications.

Richmond, Walter: Adjunct Assistant Professor of the Russian Studies Program at Occidental College, Los Angeles.

Rieder, Phillip: completed his master’s degree at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland in 2005, writing on international and Swiss reaction to the Rwandan genocide. Subsequently he became interested in societal reconciliation in the aftermath of mass atrocities. He enrolled in the interdisciplinary Humanities Doctoral Program at Concordia University in January 2008 and is currently doing field research in Rwanda and Burundi for his Ph.D. with Frank Chalk’s MIGS. His dissertation will compare the political management of reconciliation in Southern Rwanda and Northern Burundi. He has worked for the International Peace Institute and is an affiliated scholar with the National University of Rwanda.

Rojas Sancristóful, Carlos: Profesional del Área Educación de la Corporación Parque por la Paz Villa Grimaldi y profesor de la cátedra “Educación en Derechos Humanos y Ciudadanía” de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Diego Portales. Actualmente desarrollo mi tesis de Maestría en Historia- Mención América, titulada “Trayectorias, identidades y culturas políticas en la construcción de un nuevo orden. Historia comparada de las Fuerzas Armadas en Chile y Uruguay. 1970 – 1980”, en la Universidad de Santiago de Chile.

Rojas-Pérez, Isaías: Ph.D. is assistant professor of anthropology at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-Newark. His ethnographic work explores how families and communities of victims of state violence in Peru engage prosecutions of state crime set within the Peruvian state-sponsored project of post-conflict transitional justice. By following cases of people “disappeared” during the 1980s counterinsurgency campaign, he focuses particularly on the question of mourning and justice without the body. He has served for several years on the steering committee of the Instituto de Defensa Legal (IDL), in Lima, Peru, and the editorial board for IDL’s magazine, ideele.

Rosenblatt, Adam: Ph.D. Candidate in Modern Thought and Literature, Stanford University

Rostica, Julieta C.: socióloga (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES), magíster en estudios latinoamericanos (UAM) y doctora en ciencias sociales y humanas (UNQUI). Es docente de historia social latinoamericana y del taller de sociología histórica de la carrera de sociología de la UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES y becaria postoctoral de CONICET. Es miembro del equipo que investiga las Condiciones socio históricas de la violencia política en América Latina 1954-1989, bajo la dirección de Waldo Ansaldi (PIP, 2010/2012) y coordinadora del Grupo de Estudios sobre Centroamérica del IEALC.

Rowen, Jamie: is finishing her doctorate in the Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program at Berkeley Law School, where she completed a Juris Doctorate (law degree) in 2009 and Masters in 2010. Her current research involves a comparative ethnographic analysis of mobilization around truth commissions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, and the United States, alongside a survey and qualitative analysis of actors who mobilize transnationally around the concept of transitional justice.

Rubí, Nicolás: Licenciado en Sociología (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES). Investigador de apoyo en UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRESCyT 2010-2012 “Comunidad y lazo social en la teoría social clásica y contemporánea”, IIGG. Asistente de investigación en “Plan estratégico para la integración social, económica y urbanística de las familias residentes en Villas y Asentamientos en partidos del AMBA”, Universidad de Avellaneda (co-financian Ministerio de Economía de la Nación Argentina y Mininsterio de Desarrollo Social de la Provincia de Buenos Aires).

Said, Judith: Argentina. Actualmente es coordinadora Ejecutiva del Archivo Nacional de la Memoria, organismo desconcentrado dependiente de la Secretaría de Derechos Humanos del Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos de la Nación. También coordina la Red Federal de Sitios de Memoria, órgano interjurisdiccional que articula las políticas de memoria e investigación que se llevan adelante entre el Estado Nacional y las áreas de derechos humanos provinciales y municipales y en los sitios de memoria donde funcionaron centros clandestinos de detención y otros espacios vinculados con el accionar del terrorismo de Estado.

Samanes, Graciela Cecilia: estudiante del Profesorado de Sociología, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES. Licenciada en Sociología. Diciembre 2010. Promedio general 7,92. Orientación en Diagnóstico Social. Participante permanente del Programa de Estudios del Control del Orden Social (PECOS) a cargo del Dr. Juan Pegoraro, en el Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani. Analista de Sistemas. Egresada 1985.

Samuels, Shimon: Dr., Director for International Relations of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre based in Paris. Former Professor of Middle East Studies at Colegio de Mexico and Deputy Director of Leonard Davis Institute of International Relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Widely published author on genocide, racism, antisemitism and terrorism Lead editor of Antisemitism - The Generic Hatred: Essays in Memory of Simon Wiesenthal under UNESCO auspices Chair of The Journal for the Study of Antisemitism.

Scapusio, Miguel: SERPAJ

Selders, M. Scott: Ph.D. student at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. He is researchig nation building in post-conflict societies, focusing on the origins of the United Nations transitional administration in East Timor. He received his MA from Concordia University and his BA from the University of California, Berkeley. Originally from California, he has also lived in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Sentongo, Ashad: is Program Officer of the Genocide Prevention Program/International Conference on the Great Lakes Region S-CAR, at George Mason University

Šestanovic, Muhamed: Member of Institute for the Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law, University of Sarajevo

Slepoy, Norma: Médica Psicoanalista. Miembro del Consejo Consultivo de la Cátedra de Salud y Derechos Humanos de la Facultad de Medicina de la U.B.A. Docente de Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos en el Seminario de Salud y Derechos Humanos de la Facultad de Medicina de la U.B.A.

Slovic, Paul: president of Decision Research and a professor of psychology at the University of Oregon. He studies human judgment, decision making, and risk perception, and has published extensively on these topics. His most recent work examines “psychic numbing” and the failure to respond to mass human tragedies.

Smeulers, Alette: director of the Amsterdam Centre of Interdisciplinary Research on International Crimes and Security (ACIC, www.rechten.vu.nl/ACIC) and the master International Crimes and Criminology at the VU University Amsterdam. She has set up the international research network on supranational criminology, the criminology of international crimes (www.supranationalcriminology.org). Her research focuses on international crimes (genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes) and the perpetrators thereof.

Sneh, Perla: Licenciada en Psicología (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES), psicoanalista, escritora. Egresada de Betzalel Academy of Arts and Design (Jerusalén). Doctoranda en Ciencias Sociales (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES). Investigadora del CEG y Directora de la Especialización en Estudios Judaicos (Mtría. Div. Cultural - UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRES DE FEBRERO). Integra la revista Redes de la letra-Escritura del Psicoanálisis. Publicó, entre otros, La Shoah en el siglo (c/ J. C. Cosaka, Bs. As., 1999), Buenos Aires Ídish (CPPHC, Bs. As., 2006) y Jarabe de pico (Letranómada, 2010).

Soto Forno, Juan Francisco: Coordinador del Programa de Justicia y Reconciliación, del Centro para la Acción Legal en Derechos Humanos (CALDH). Trabajó en el programa de Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica (REMHI) y cuenta con una larga trayectoria en la defensa de los derechos humanos, la memoria, la verdad y la justicia.

Spencer, Philip: Director of the Helen Bamber Centre for the Study of Rights, Conflict and Mass Violence at Kingston University, UK. He is the author of Nationalism - A Critical Introduction (Sage 2002) and of Nations and Nationalism (Edinburgh 2007) (both with Howard Wollman), and of several articles on the Holocaust and genocide, as well as on Rosa Luxemburg and Hannah Arendt. He has recently established a Joint European Masters in Human Rights and Genocide Studies, a collaboration between several European Universities. He is currently writing a book on Genocide since 1945.

Spitta, Arnold: born in Germany. Studied German Literature and Contemporary History (1976 Dr. phil.). 1979-1986 visiting Prof. at U. Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. Senior Officer of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), 1989-2010. Studies on History of the German Exile 1933 – 1945; the genocide of Gypsies during the Nazi Regime and the controversies related to it in postwar Germany; the ideological roots of parastatal violence in Latin America. Actually advisor at Universidad Nacional de San Martín in Buenos Aires.

Stanton, Gregory H.: Research Professor in Genocide Studies and Prevention at the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University, Arlington, Virginia. Dr. Stanton is the founder (1999) and president of Genocide Watch (website: www.genocidewatch.org), the founder (1982) and director of the Cambodian Genocide Project, Inc., and is the founder (1999) and Chair of the International Alliance to End Genocide. He was the President (2007 - 2009) and First Vice President (2005 – 2007) of the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS).

Stofleth, Daniel: M.A. student in Communication and Rhetorical Studies at Syracuse University in New York. His research focuses primarily on the relationships between rhetoric, power and memory, and how these are related to human rights issues. The recent revival of civil war and Francoist memory in Spain is of great interest to Daniel and he hopes to return to the country soon in order to examine the political and social dialogue regarding these developments.

Stramucci, Emilio: Estudiante de la carrera de Sociología de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Sullivan, Christopher: Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Political Science at the University of Notre Dame, where he studies Comparative Politics and International Relations. He is also an International Dissertation Research Fellow at the Social Science Research Council, and serves as Managing Editor at The Journal of Conflict Resolution. Mr. Sullivan's dissertation research analyzes the causes of political repression during the Guatemalan civil war.

Sumita, Benita: television journalist in India. She then moved to Sri Lanka as a researcher at the International Centre for Ethnic Studies in Colombo and later worked at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in New Delhi. She has a Masters (MSc in Violence, Conflict and Development) from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. Currently, she is doing her doctoral research on the development and dynamics of international norms using the case of the 1998 Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement.

Sutton, Barbara: Assistant Professor of Women's Studies at the University at Albany, SUNY. She is also affiliated with the departments of Sociology and Latin American, Caribbean, and U.S. Latino Studies. She earned a law degree from the University of Buenos Aires (1993) and a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Oregon (2004). She is the author of Bodies in Crisis: Culture, Violence, and Women's Resistance in Neoliberal Argentina (2010) and coeditor (with Sandra Morgen and Julie Novkov) of Security Disarmed: Critical Perspectives on Gender, Race, and Militarization (2008).

Taboada, Adriana Sonia: Licenciada en Psicología (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES). Miembro del Centro de Estudios sobre Genocidio- UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRES DE FEBRERO y de la Comisión por la Memoria, la Verdad y la Justicia de Zona Norte. Desarrolla tareas vinculadas a la investigación judicial por delitos de Lesa Humanidad. Ex coordinadora del equipo clínico de la Comisión de Familiares de Detenidos y Desaparecidos por Razones Políticas.

Tataryan, Nora: Sabanci University- Cultural Studies M.A. Candidate

Taub, Emmanuel: Magister en Diversidad Cultural (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero), doctorando en Ciencias Sociales (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES) y becario del CONICET. Es investigador del Centro de Estudios sobre Genocidio (Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero) y Editor asistente de la Revista de Estudios sobre Genocidio. Es miembro del Nominations Committee para las elecciones 2011 de la International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS) y parte del Equipo Internacional de Colaboradores de la Revista Iberoamérica Global de la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalén. Han sido publicados sus trabajos sobre historia de las ideas y filosofía política: Otredad, orientalismo e identidad (Editorial Teseo) y La modernidad atravesada. Teología política y mesianismo (Miño y Dávila Editores).

Tauber, Eli: historian, journalist, author and publicist. He published books and posted the following Exhibitions: Jewish periodicals in Bosnia and Herzegovina(2010): Righteous Among the Nations - When the neighbours were human beings(2008); Ilustrated Lexicon of Judaism(2007). Exhibition: Camps and Concentration camps in vwich Bosnianns Jews were murdred(2011); «Memories of Holocaust»(2008); Antisemitism throughout printing materials in NDH and Nedich's Serbia (2007). He is also Author and Team leader of the project; Righeteous Among the Nations in Bosnia and Herzegovinia(Instute for researching Crimes against Humanity, University of Sarajevo)

Taylor, Laura K.: Ph.D. Student, Psychology and Peace Studies University of Notre Dame

Theriault, Henry: Ph.D., Professor and Chair of the Philosophy Department of Worcester State University (USA). His research focuses on genocide denial, long-term justice for mass violence, genocide definition, and mass violence against women. Recent publications include “Genocidal Mutation and the Challenge of Definition” (Metaphilosophy 41:4, July 2010) and “Rousseau, Plato, and Western Philosophy’s Anti-Genocidal Strain” (in Metacide: In the Pursuit of Excellence, Rodopi, 2010). He chairs the Armenian Genocide Reparations Study Group, is co-editor-in-chief of Genocide Studies and Prevention, is on the Academic Boards of SEYFO and the Genocide Education Project, and has served on the Advisory Board of IAGS since 2007.

Timerman, Héctor: Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto de la República Argentina desde junio de 2010. Al momento de su nombramiento, se desempeñaba como Embajador de la República Argentina en los Estados Unidos. Sherpa por Argentina en el Grupo de los Veinte (G-20) desde Noviembre de 2008. Cónsul General de la República de Argentina (2004 a 2007). Periodista en distintos medios de comunicación gráficos y audiovisuales. Coautor del libro “La Tortura” (New Press, 2005).

Tognoni, Gianni: Médico, Secretario General del Tribunal Permanente de los Pueblos de la Fundación Basso-Sección internacional de Roma, Italia

Tsoroti, Stephen Eugene: Human Rights Advocate with Zimbabwe Pastors Conference, a highly versatile Journalist. He has written [papers on various subjects that includes politics and environmental issues, arts & culture and development both at national and international foras. He is also a writer of poetry and prose, Mr. Tsoroti was closely involved with a start-up program for performing arts and culture groups, and with a Teenage Rights magazine for which he was a contributing editor. He is also a contributing editor for The World Press Org

Tucci Carneiro, Maria Luiza: Historiadora y Profesora Libre Docente de la Universidad de São Paulo. Coordinadora de LEER (Laboratório de Estudos sobre Etnicidade, Racismo e Discriminação), con sede en el Departamento de Historia, donde desarrolla el proyecto Arquivo Virtual sobre Holocausto e Antissemitismo [www.arqshoah.com.br]. Coordina también el Proyecto Temático Fapesp: "Arquivos da Repressão e da Resistência", que está inventariando la documentación de la Policía Política de São Paulo.

Üngör, Uğur Ümit: Ph.D. in 2009 (summa cum laude) at the University of Amsterdam. In 2008-09, he was Lecturer at the Department of History of the University of Sheffield. Currently he is Assistant Professor of History at Utrecht University and affiliated with the Centre for War Studies of University College Dublin. His main area of interest is the historical sociology of mass violence and nationalism. His most recent publications include The Making of Modern Turkey: Nation and State in Eastern Anatolia, 1913-1950 (Oxford University Press, 2011), and Confiscation and Destruction: The Young Turk Seizure of Armenian Property (Continuum, 2011).

Unoke, Ewa: Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political Science / Pre-Law Programs; Director, Ralph Bunche Society, Kansas City Kansas Community College; Member, Kansas State Advisory Committee, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights; Formerly, a Teenage Soldier and Zonal Commander of the Biafra Organization of Freedom Fighters, BOFF

Varela, Brisa: FLACSO / Docente Investigadora de la FADU – UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES.

Verdeja, Ernesto: Assistant Professor of Political Science and Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame, United States. His research has focused on justice, reconciliation, forgiveness, bystanders, trials and truth commissions, the causes of genocide and methodological issues in comparative genocide studies. He is the author of the book "Unchopping a Tree: Reconciliation in the Aftermath of Political Violence" (Temple University Press, 2009). Verdeja is also a board member of the Institute for the Study of Genocide.

Walker, Margaret Urban: is Donald J. Schuenke Chair in Philosophy at Marquette University, and author of Moral Repair: Reconstructing Moral Relations After Wrongdoing (2006) and What is Reparative Justice? (2010), Her current research develops an expressive conception of reparations and explores public truth-telling in the context of human rights and post-conflict justice. She has contributed to research projects with the International Center for Transitional Justice.

Waller, James: Keene State College

Webb, Dave: Prof., Head of the Centre for Applied Research in Engineering, and was co-founder of the Praxis Centre established for the Study of Information and Technology in Peace, Conflict Resolution and Human Rights. Leeds Metropolitan University. Leeds Metropolitan University. Leeds, LS6 3QS.United Kingdom.

Weerdesteijn, Maartje: has a bachelor in European Studies from Maastricht University (Cum Laude) and was subsequently enrolled in the master International Crimes and Criminology from which she graduated (Cum Laude) at VU University Amsterdam. She is now a lecturer in the above mentioned master and is working on her Ph.D. in which she investigates how to adapt foreign policy to the type of dictator that countries try to influence in order to stop or mitigate gross human rights violations.

Weiss-Wendt, Anton: is Head of the Research Department at the Center for the Study of the Holocaust and Religious Minorities, in Oslo, Norway

Welsh, Erin E.: UCF ’11, MA Political Science/ International Studies.

Whigham, Kerry: is a Ph.D. candidate in the Performance Studies Department at New York University, where he studies performances of power in oppressive regimes. He is focusing on the mechanisms and rhetorics of power that operate to convert populations and create victim groups. Up to this point, his work has dealt most specifically with Germany, Argentina, the United States, and North Korea. Kerry is also a freelance theater director.

Wilson, Kristi M.: Assistant Professor, Soka University. Dr. Wilson’s research and teaching interests include Classics, Film Studies and Cultural Studies and Rhetoric. She founded the Stanford Film Lab and taught at Stanford University for 9 years before coming to Soka University. She is the co-editor of Italian Neorealism and Global Cinema (Wayne State University Press 2007) and author of numerous publications in such journals as Screen, Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature, Signs, and Literature/Film Quarterly. Her newest co-edited anthology, Film and Genocide, will appear in November, 2011 from the University of Wisconsin Press.

Woolford, Andrew: Professor of Sociology and the Criminology and Social Justice Research Coordinator at the University of Manitoba. He is author of The Politics of Restorative Justice: A Critical Introduction (Fernwood, 2009), Between Justice and Certainty: Treaty Making in British Columbia (UBC Press, 2005), and co-author of Informal Reckonings: Conflict Resolution in Mediation, Restorative Justice, and Reparations (Routledge-Cavendish, 2008). His current research focuses on questions of genocide and redress with respect to Indigenous Peoples in North America.

Wozniak, Jorge: Profesor de Historia egresado de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES). Profesor de Historia Contemporánea en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES y docente-investigador en el Centro de Estudios sobre Genocidio en la Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRES DE FEBRERO). Maestrando en Ciencias Políticas. Especializado en historia soviética.

Yanzón, Rodolfo: Querellante en las causas en Argentina

Zeitler Varela, Mariela: Licenciada en Filosofía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, actualmente doctoranda en Filosofía en la misma universidad y becaria del CONICET. Se dedica a la investigación de la relación entre la historia y la memoria, haciendo foco en cómo ambas prácticas disciplinares han abordado la proliferación en los últimos tiempos de los testimonios de sobrevivientes de los catalogados eventos límites del siglo XX.

Zigrovic, Lucija: University of Vienna - Research Fellow IK "Empowerment through Human Rights"

Zylberman, Lior: Magister en Comunicación y Cultura (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES), Licenciado en Sociología (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES) y Doctorando en Ciencias Sociales (UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES), Profesor en Diseño de Imagen y Sonido (FADU, UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES). Es becario Universidad de Buenos Airescyt y miembro del Equipo de Investigación del Centro de Estudios sobre Genocidio. Sus temas de investigación se relacionan con la imagen, el cine, los genocidios y la memoria.

Dear colleagues and stakeholders; by this mean we are pleased to let you know that we have posted a blog containing all detailed information about the 9th Biannual Conference de la International Association of Genocide Scholars.

It is already available to everyone on the following link; http://iags2011english.blogspot.com/. This will expedite the response to participants concerns, although personal contact will continue as usual. Claudia Massuh

Technical Coordinator

Center for Genocide Studies

Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero


9th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Genocide Scholars

Genocide. Truth, Memory, Justice, and Recovery. July 19- 22, 2011. Center for Genocide Studies, Universidad Nacional de Tres Febrero, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Este blog

Spanish version

Conference Program

Download the Conference program


Over the last two decades, the field of genocide studies has rapidly proliferated. To date, however, the field has not fully addressed the aftermaths of genocide, including the ways in which post-conflict societies negotiate issues of truth, memory, justice, and recovery.

This focus is particularly appropriate given the venue, Argentina, and the fact that this will be the first IAGS conference ever held in Latin America. During 1980s and 1990s, the phrase “truth, memory, and justice” became a key watchword of resistance and resilience. Despite periodic attempts to focus on one of these issues alone (for example, seeking truth instead of justice), many people in Latin America have and continue to insist that only the three pillars together enable individual and social recovery from collective terror. Truth, Memory, and Justice, then, are preconditions for the fourth pillar, Recovery.

The IAGS and CEG-UNTREF welcome papers and sessions on all aspects of genocide, particularly those devoted to our conference theme, “Genocide: Truth, Memory, Justice, and Recovery.” Innovative panels, workshops, and papers that consider the dynamics, causes, and consequences of genocide, issues of memory and representation, the role of justice and truth in post-conflict societies and the paths to individual and collective recovery are welcomed. Besides panels and papers, the organizers encourage other modes of dialogue, including workshops, roundtable discussions, book presentations, cultural media, and artistic works/readings, including forums that relate to policy initiatives, pedagogy, and education concerned with the history and prevention of genocide. Genocide studies cover a wide range of approaches and theories. Scholars, practitioners, activists, teachers, and students interested in genocide studies from all disciplines are encouraged to apply.

Academic Committee


Alex Hinton

Daniel Feierstein

Khatchik Der Goughassian, Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina

Gabriel Gatti, Universidad del País Vasco, Spain

Jutta Lindert, Ludwigsburg Universitat, Germany

Jens Meierhenrich, Harvard University, USA

Ernesto Verdeja, Notre Dame University, USA

IAGS President

William Schabas, Galway University, Ireland

Technical coordination

Claudia Massuh

Center for Genocide Studies



Confirmed Participants as of June 10,2011

1. Abeywaredene, Bashana, Sri Lanka

2. Alecio R., Rolando, Unidad de Aplicación de Medidas del Programa Nacional de Resarcimiento, Guatemala.

3. Alegría Licuime, Luis Héctor, Corporación Parque por la Paz Villa Grimaldi, Chile

4. Alsheh, Yehonatan, Tel Aviv University, Israel.

5. Anderson, Kjell, National University of Ireland, Ireland

6. Antaramián, Carlos, El Colegio de Michoacán, México.

7. Apsel, Joyce: New York University, USA

8. Arzoumanian, Ana, Argentina

9. Auron, Yair, The Israeli Open University, Israel.

10. Babatunde, Abosede Omowumi: Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies, University of Ilorin, Nigeria

11. Balakian, Peter, Colgate University, USA

12. Bartoli, Andrea, George Mason University, USA

13. Baum, Erica, Argentina

14. Bekeris, Eugenia, Argentina

15. Bergholz, Max, Concordia University, Canada

16. Blustein, Jeffrey, City University of New York, USA

17. Bryan, Nicole, Rutger University, USA

18. Burello, Marcelo G., Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

19. Burkart, Mara, UBA-CONICET, Argentina

20. Burucúa, José Emilio, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina.

21. Capuano, Claudio Francisco, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

22. Cardoso Ribeiro, Mariana, Universidad de San Pablo, Brasil

23. Carıkcı, Aleks Alaettin, Leiden University, Holanda

24. Cejas, Romina, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina

25. Cooper, Stephen, Cal State Long Beach, USA

26. Crowder-Taraborrelli, Tomás, Soka University of America, USA.

27. Darbinyan, Asya, National Academy of Sciences, Armenia

28. Dávila Gómez, César Augusto, Comisión Nacional de Resarcimiento, Guatemala

29. Doberti, María Paula, Argentina

30. Drouin, Marc, Universidad de Montreal, Canada

31. Drumond, Paula, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

32. Dürr, Christian, Archivo Memorial de Mauthausen, Austria

33. Edelman, Lucila Irene, EATIP, Argentina

34. Ekwe-Ekwe, Herbert, England.

35. Ensign, Margee: American University of Nigeria, Nigeria

36. Fagin, Amy, 20th Century Illuminations, USA

37. Fairbairn, Gavin, Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom.

38. Feierstein, Daniel, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, UBA y CONICET, Argentina

39. Feierstein, Liliana Ruth, Universidad de Heidelberg, Alemania

40. Fernando, Jude Lal, Peoples' Tribunal on Sri Lanka, Ireland

41. Flores, Marcello, University of Siena, Italia

42. Fonseca, Bruna, Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

43. Frieze, Donna-Lee, Deakin University, Australia

44. Frostig, Karen Brandeis University, USA

45. Gaitan Hairabedian, Federico: Fundación Luisa Hairabedian, Argentina

46. Gallimore, Rangira Béa, University of Missouri, USA

47. Gallimore, Tim, USA

48. García, Natalia, UNR-UNER-CONICET, Argentina

49. Garibian, Sévane, University of Neuchâtel, Suiza

50. Gatti, Gabriel, Universidad del País Vasco, España.

51. Gomez-Suarez, Andrei, University of Sussex Falmer, UK

52. González, Ana, UBA, Argentina

53. Goyochea, Agueda, UBA, Argentina

54. Gruner, Wolf, University of Southern California, USA

55. Grzyb, Amanda, University of Western Ontario, Canada

56. Guilis, Alberto, Universidad Popular Madres de Plaza de Mayo, Argentina

57. Gutiérrez Tapia, Cristian, Corporación Parque Por La Paz Villa Grimaldi, Chile

58. Hatcher, Rachel, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

59. Hernández, María Susana, Argentina

60. Hinton, Alex, Rutgers University, USA

61. Holslag, Anthonie, University of Amsterdam, Holanda

62. Isaacs, Anita, Haverford College, USA

63. Jeria, Verónica: Asociación de Ex Detenidos-Desaparecidos, Argentina

64. Johnson, Ashley Lyn, University of Notre Dame, USA

65. Jones Dickens, Sarah, Duke University, USA

66. Jones, Adam, University of British Columbia Okanagan, Canada

67. Kagabo, José, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, France

68. Karović, Merisa, University of Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina

69. Khosroeva, Anahit Institute of History, National Academy of Sciences, Armenia

70. Kielsgard, Mark D, City University of Hong Kong, China

71. Kordon, Diana, EATIP, Argentina

72. Korieh, Chima J, Marquette University, USA

73. Kuperman, Alan J., University of Texas at Austin, USA

74. Kuzniecki, Uriel, Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina

75. Kwiatkowski, Nicolás, IDAES/CONICET, Argentina

76. Lagos, Mariana, EATIP, Argentina

77. Lascano, Rodrigo, Argentina

78. Lenton, Diana, Universidad de Buenos Aires y CONICET, Argentina

79. Leone, Miguel, UBA, Argentina

80. Loureiro, Heitor de A. C., University of São Paulo, Brasil

81. Ludueña Romandini, Fabián, CONICET / IIGG / UBA, Argentina

82. Lundgren, Svante, Abo Akademie University, Finlandia

83. Lundy, Patricia, University of Ulster, Ireland

84. Macón, Cecilia, UBA, Argentina

85. Maitles, Henry, University of the West of Scotland, Scotland

86. Malkidis, Theofanis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece

87. Marinozzi, Diego, Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Argentina

88. Marinozzi, Maria Laura, Sant’Anna School for Advanced Studies, Italy

89. Marko, Leslie, LEER-USP, Brasil

90. Marsoobian, Armen T., Southern Connecticut State University, USA

91. Martínez Manzanero, Betsabe Adriana, El Colegio de Michoacán, México

92. Mayersen, Deborah, University of Queensland, Australia

93. Medina Bustos, Ayeray, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK

94. Midlarsky, Elizabeth, Columbia University, USA

95. Midlarsky, Manus I., Rutgers University, USA

96. Mindlis, Irina, Argentina

97. Molinari, Lucrecia, CONICET, CEG – UNTREF, Argentina

98. Mukantabana, Mathilde, Sonoma State University, USA

99. Muller, Adam, University of Manitoba, CANADA.

100. Muñoz Osorio, Natalia, Movimiento Nacional de Víctimas de Crímenes de Estado, España

101. Navarro, Nela, Rutgers University, USA

102. Ngoto Ngoie Ngalingi, Joseph Antoine, Universite Libre de Kinshasa, Congo

103. Obel Hansen, Thomas, United States International University, Nairobi.

104. Oberschall, Anthony, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

105. Ogata, Tetsushi, George Mason University, USA

106. Ohanian, Bárbara I, CONICET/IIGG/CEG, Argentina.

107. Ohanian, María Jazmín, UBA, Argentina

108. Omerović, Enis, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

109. Özbek, Egemen, Carleton University, Canada

110. Pabón, Carlos, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico

111. Pagés, Natalio, UBA, Argentina

112. Papazian, Alexis, UBA / CONICET / CLEGDH, Argentina

113. Partee, Kimberly, Clark University, USA

114. Patterson, David, University of Texas at Dallas, USA

115. Perazzo, Silvia Alejandra, ANU-AR, Argentina

116. Pérez, Mariana Eva Universidad de Heidelberg, Alemania

117. Périès, Gabriel, ETOS-TELECOM/TEM-Research, Francia

118. Peroomian, Rubina, UCLA, USA

119. Pilkington, Richard, University of Toronto, Canada

120. Pohlman, Annie, University of Queensland, Australia

121. Pomakoy, Keith, SUNY Adirondack, USA

122. Reil, Emilie

123. Richmond, Walter, Occidental College, USA

124. Rieder, Phillip, Montreal Institute for Genocide, Canada

125. Roijenstraj, Adriana, Ministerio de Educación de Nación, Argentina

126. Rojas Sancristóful, Carlos, Corporación Parque por la Paz Villa Grimaldi, Chile

127. Rostica, Julieta C., UBA, CONICET, Argentina

128. Rousseaux, Fabiana, Secretaría de DDHH de Nación, Argentina

129. Rowen, Jamie, Berkeley Law School, USA

130. Rubí, Nicolás, UBA, Argentina

131. Samanes, Graciela Cecilia, UBA, Argentina

132. Samuels, Shimon, Simon Wiesenthal Centre, Francia

133. Selders, M. Scott, Concordia University, Canada

134. Sentongo, Ashad, George Mason University, USA

135. Skloot, Robert, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

136. Slovic, Paul, University of Oregon, USA

137. Smeulers, Alette, ACIC/ VU University Amsterdam, Holanda

138. Sneh, Perla, CEG/UNTREF, Argentina

139. Soto Forno, Juan Francisco

140. Spencer, Philip, Kingston University, UK

141. Spitta, Arnold, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina

142. Stanton, Gregory H., George Mason University, USA

143. Stofleth, Daniel, Syracuse University, USA

144. Stramucci, Emilio, Argentina

145. Sullivan, Christopher, University of Notre Dame, USA

146. Sumita, Benita, University of Bradford, UK

147. Surraco, Leonardo Adrián, IDES-IDEAS, Argentina

148. Sutton, Barbara, University at Albany, SUNY, USA

149. Taboada, Adriana Sonia, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina

150. Taccetta, Natalia, UBA / CONICET / IIGG, Argentina

151. Taub, Emmanuel, Conicet – Untref, Argentina

152. Teruzzi, Florencia, Argentina

153. Theriault, Henry, Worcester State University, USA

154. Torres, Pablo, Argentina

155. Tsoroti, Stephen Eugene, Zimbabwe

156. Tucci Carneiro, Maria Luiza, LEER-USP, Brasil

157. Üngör, Uğur Ümit, Utrecht University, Holanda

158. Uzoigwe, G.N, Mississippi State University, USA

159. Verdeja, Ernesto, University of Notre Dame, USA

160. Webb, Dave, Metropolitan University, UK

161. Weerdesteijn, Maartje, Vrije Universiteit, Holanda

162. Weiss-Wendt, Anton, Center for the Study of the Holocaust and Religious Minorities, Oslo, Noruega

163. Whigham, Kerry, New York University, USA

164. Wilson, Kristi M., Soka Unviersity of America, USA

165. Woolford, Andrew, University of Manitoba, Canada

166. Wozniak, Jorge, CEG/UNTREF, Argentina

167. Yansen, Guillermina, Argentina

168. Zeitler Varela, Mariela, CONICET, UBA, Argentina

169. Zylberman, Lior, CEG – UNTREF – UBA, Argentina

170. Zytner, Rosa, Facultad de Psicología de la UdelaR, Uruguay