Η διεξαγωγή του πολύ σημαντικού πολιτικά και άψογου οργανωτικά 3ου συνεδρίου της Ευρωπαικής Ομοσπονδίας Αρμενίων για τη Δικαιοσύνη και τη Δημοκρατία στις Βρυξέλλες, ήρθε να επιβεβαιώσει για ακόμη μία φορά, τη συνέπεια των Αρμενίων έναντι της ιστορίας τους. Έναντι του καθήκοντος που έχει κάθε Αρμένιος της Αρμενίας και της Διασποράς για την απόδοση της ιστορικής αλήθειας και δικαιοσύνης και του συνεχούς αγώνα για την αναγνώριση της Γενοκτονίας.
Η πρώτη
ημέρα του συνεδρίου αφορούσε την ανάλυση
ιστορικών, πολιτικών και οργανωτικών
ζητημάτων των Αρμενίων της Ευρώπης και
συνοδεύτηκε από ουσιαστικές παρεμβάσεις
και ερωτήσεις των συνέδρων, που αγωνιούν
για όλο το φάσμα της ύπαρξης των Αρμενίων
στην Αρμενία και τη Διασπορά. Ήταν ακόμη
μία ευκαιρία για να αναδειχθούν νέοι
στόχοι στο Αρμενικό και διεθνές κίνημα
αναγνώρισης της Γενοκτονίας και να
υπάρξουν οι ανταλλαγές απόψεων για το
μείζον ζήτημα της Αρμενικής ύπαρξης.
Η δεύτερη
μέρα αποτέλεσε για άλλη μία φορά την
επιβεβαίωση της άποψης, ότι οι Αρμένιοι
ξεχωρίζουν στο διεθνές στερέωμα γιατί
παρά τα τεράστια οικονομικά προβλήματα
που αντιμετωπίζουν στην Αρμενία, δεν
εγκαταλείπουν την ταυτότητά τους και
δεν αχρηστεύουν την σπουδαία ιστορική
τους πορεία. Επίσης απέδεξε ότι οι
Αρμένιοι της Διασποράς δεν παραλείπουν
να αγωνίζονται για την δικαίωση της
ιστορικής τους πατρίδας, βοηθώντας την
ποικιλοτρόπως. Ακόμη έδειξε ότι η
Αρμενική πολιτική και θρησκευτική
ηγεσία ούτε κρύβεται ούτε πολεμά το
κίνημα ιστορικής αλήθειας για την
αναγνώριση της Γενοκτονίας, ενώ οι
διεθνείς υποστηρικτές της ιστορικής
μνήμης, ήταν εκεί για να αγωνιστούν μαζί
με τους Αρμένιους φίλους.
Έτσι η
δεύτερη ημέρα του Συνεδρίου που διεξήχθη
στο Ευρωπαικό Κοινοβούλιο είχε παρουσίες
σε υψηλό επίπεδο, γεγονός που φανερώνει
τη σημασία που δίνεται στο ζήτημα της
Γενοκτονίας. Την έναρξη έκανε ο πρόεδρος
της Ευρωπαικής
Ομοσπονδίας Αρμενίων Kaspar Karampetian, και
οι χαιρετισμοί του προέδρου του
Ευρωπαικού Λαικού Κόμματος
Joseph Daul, του
μέλους του Ευρωπαικού Κοινοβουλίου
και προέδρου της Επιτροπής φιλίας ΕΕ-
Αρμενίας Ελένης Θεοχάρους, του προέδρου
της Δημοκρατίας του Ναγκόρνο- Καραμπάχ
Bako Sahakyan,
Καθολικού της Αρμενικής Αποστολικής
Εκκλησίας, Aram
του προέδρου της Βουλής Αρμενίας Hovik
Abrahamyan, παρουσία του Υπουργού των
Εξωτερικών του Ναγκόρνο- Καραμπάχ Garen
Mizoyan, του
αντιπροέδρου της κυβέρνησης του Ναγκόρνο-
Καραμπάχ Artur
Agabetian, και
των πρέσβεων της Αρμενίας στον ΟΑΣΕ,
ΝΑΤΟ και ΟΗΕ Arman
Kirakogisian στις
Βρυξέλλες, Edward
πρώτη συνεδρία, την οποία συντόνισαν
μέλος του Ευρωπαικού Κοινοβουλίου
Charles Tannock (Λουξεμβούργο) και ο εκπρόσωπος
των Αρμενικών Εθνικών Επιτροπών Hagop
Der Khatchadourian (Καναδάς),
και είχε σαν θεματολογία τη Γενοκτονία,
το Διεθνές Δίκαιο και τη Διεθνή Κοινότητα,
μίλησαν ο Henry Theriault (ΗΠΑ), ο Vladimir
Vardanyan (Αρμενία), η
Meersschaert Duchens (Ολλανδία), ο Yair Auron (Ισραήλ)
και ο
Φάνης Μαλκίδης (Ελλάδα).
δεύτερη συνεδρία, η οποία είχε σαν
θέμα την κατάσταση στο Νότιο Καύκασο
και συντόνισε ο Giro Manoyan, διευθυντής της
διεθνούς γραμματείας του Dashnaktsoutioun,
Armenia), μίλησαν ο ευρωβουλευτής Andrei
Kovatchev (Βουλγαρία), ο ευρωβουλευτής Knut
Fleckenstein (Γερμανία), ο Phlippe Lefort (Γαλλία), ο
Mr. Bernard Fassier (Γαλλία) , ο Γιάννος
Χαραλαμπίδης ( Κύπρος) και ο Vahan Hovhannesian
(Αρμενία) .
συνέδριο το οποίο παρακολούθησαν
Αρμένιοι και φίλοι των Αρμενίων από
σχεδόν όλη την Ευρώπη- αντιπροσωπείες
από Ρωσία, Γεωργία, Αρμενία, Κύπρο,
Τσεχία, Ισπανία, Γερμανία, Βέλγιο,
Σλοβακία, Γαλλία, Ελλάδα, Βουλγαρία-
απέδειξε ότι οι Αρμένιοι, όχι μόνο δε
ξεχνούν, αλλά ακόμη και σε δύσκολες
οικονομικές και πολιτικές συνθήκες,
συνεχίζουν να αγωνίζονται για την
πατρίδα τους, για τους προγόνους και
τους απογόνους τους.
In his opening remarks to the 3rd Convention of the European Armenians, His Holiness Aram I urged Turkey to “return the Armenian churches to their legitimate owners, the Armenian people”.
Speaking about the Armenian people’s struggle for justice, he said that “Numerous studies, publications, lectures, seminars and conferences, substantiated by historical evidences and eye witness accounts, gave for decades concrete articulation to the Armenian people's struggle for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Contacts with political circles and collaboration with actors of civil society further helped of awareness building in respect to the Armenian Genocide. This first genocide of the 20th Century has become now an integral part of the international agenda”.
Referring to the emerging realities, Aram I reminded that “The question of the Armenian Genocide is acquiring a new form and expression; it is generating a renewed interest and a new reaction. These factors and developments, referred to briefly, with their implications need to be taken into serious consideration as we try to reassess and reactivate our efforts. However, we must be realistic. We must bear in mind that activism may soon reach a dead-end if it is not consonant with the geopolitical realities and interests of the present world; the scholarly research will be confined to academic circles if it is not tested by international law; and international law will be inapplicable if it is not supported by political will”.
His Holiness stressed the need for a “new strategy, a new entry point and a new emphasis in order to avoid stagnation and embark on a new process”. He said that “we have spent a great deal of time, energy and capital on activism and historical research. Without undermining the vital importance of these efforts, it is time that we focus our attention on reparation. The Antelias Conference, organized by the Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia, was precisely a tangible step along these lines. It spelled out those provisions and entry points that international law may provide in the direction of reparation. At the same time, it highlighted limitations, ambiguities and uncertainties within the existing international law”.
According to Catholicos Aram I “accepting truth and compensating victims of genocide as part of a healing and reconciliation process are not merely legal matters pertaining to juridical mechanisms and procedures; they represent a moral imperative which is at the heart of human rights, and as such must be recognized, respected and implemented by nations and states under all circumstances. If our approach is conditioned exclusively by geopolitical considerations, if our criteria in tackling these matters are strictly determined by international law, then ethical values and moral standards, as well as fundamental principles of human rights, will absent from international relations. Some might say that this is already the case…”.
Speaking about the Armenian Church properties His Holiness reminded that they “cannot be considered ‘abandoned’ because the Armenians did not leave their properties by their own choice; they were threatened and forced to leave them. Hence, the Armenian properties were seized by force and confiscated by state. Confiscation of properties under all circumstances is not only illegal, but is also a crime against humanity. The Armenian people are the legitimate owners of their properties”.
Concluding his remarks Aram I said “Our claim is legitimate. Nor can one ignore its moral, ethical and religious dimensions and implications. Turkey must be courageous to accept the truth, if it is really committed to human rights, if it believes in harmonious coexistence, meaningful dialogue and close collaboration among nations, states and religions, it must take a concrete step in the direction of reparation by returning the churches to their rightful owners, the Armenian people. This is, indeed, high time for Turkey to act, instead of reacting, by changing its policy of denial, negativism and obstructionism to that of reconciling with its past”.
The main speakers of the conference were: Charles Tannock, Fausto Pocar, Henry Theriault, Caroline Fournet, Ragib Zarakolu, Theophanis Malkidis, Otto Luchterhandt. The conference was attended by a number of specialists of genocide and international law as well as representatives of European Parliament.
On Oct. 14, the convention took place at the Armenian Cultural Center, where EAFJD President Kaspar Karampetian delivered the opening remarks. Addressing the convention were Nagorno Karabagh Republic (NKR) President Bako Sahakyan; Armenian Parliamentary Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan; Hagop Der Khachadourian, an ARF-D Bureau member and Armenian National Committees coordinator; Archbishop Norvan Zakarian, the representative for Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II and Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church in France; and Catholicos of the Holy See of Cilicia Aram I.
An award-presenting ceremony took place following the speeches. EAFJD staff members and partners awarded Raffi Arslanian, Kapriel Chemberji, the Punik Foundation, Nerses Ohanian, Souren Ohanian, Braian Fera, Andre Gumushjian, and Alecco Bezikian for their vital financial contributions to the EAFJD.
During the first day, the topics of the agenda were discussed in three panels. The first concerned the “Centennial of the Armenian Genocide” with the director of the Institute for Diaspora and Genocide Studies of Bochum’s Ruhr University, Prof. Dr. Mihran Dabag, and the director of the ARF-D International Secretariat, Giro Manoyan. The panel was moderated by ANC Cyprus member, Arto Tavitian. The second discussion touched on the Turkish-Azeri anti-Armenian lobbying and the Armenian response to it. The keynote speakers were the director of the ANC Office in France, Hratch Varjabedian, and the secretary general of the European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA), Michael Kambeck. In the third panel, the chairman of the Executive Committee of Greece, Ara Mangoyan, and the chief editor of “Orer” magazine (Czech Republic), Hakob Asatryan, presented the Western and the Eastern European Armenian communities. Both panels were moderated by EAFJD’s communication officer, Bedo Kurkjian-Demirjian.
Artak Gabrielyan, the coordinator of Armenian NGOs in Samtskhe-Javakheti (Georgia), spoke about the problems that Armenians of the region face. The discussion concluded that it would be appropriate to hold a special conference in the near future, dedicated to this issue.
The president of the Forum of Armenian Associations of Europe (Slovakia), Ashot Grigoryan, presented the forum’s work within the UN on Armenian monuments. Van civic organization (Russia) president Gagik Melikyan, in turn, presented his book, Armenian Genocide by Ottoman Turkey, 1915. Testimony of Survivors, collection of documents.
At the end of the first day, Karampetian read a letter from the Emergency Relief and Recovery Body of Syrian Armenians addressed to the convention. The letter recounted the difficulties that the Syrian-Armenian community continues to face, and called on the European-Armenian communities to assist financially. Karampetian gave a summary of the EAFJD work that aimed both at collecting funds and providing safety to the Syrian Armenians.
The second day, the sessions convened in the European Parliament. After a welcome speech by Karampetian, the floor was given to Joseph Daul, the president of the European People’s Party (EPP) Group in the European Parliament, which hosted the convention; Dr. Eleni Theocharous, president of the EU-Armenia Friendship Group in the European Parliament; Bako Sahakyan, NKR president, who for the first time spoke from the European Parliament’s floor about his country, in what was considered an historic moment; Hovik Abrahamyan, speaker of the Armenian Parliament; Hagop Der Khachadourian, ARF-D Bureau member and Armenian National Committees’ coordinator; and Aram I, Catholicos of the Holy See of Cilicia, who elaborated on the return of Armenian church properties by Turkey.
The first panel covered the subject of the Armenian Genocide and international law. Professors Yair Auron (Israel), Theofanis Malkidis (Greece), Vladimir Vardanyan (Armenia), and Henry Theriault (U.S.), as well as legal expert Kirsten Meersschaert Duchens (Netherlands), expressed their views on the genocide and the issue of reparations. Moderating this panel were Frank Engel (Luxembourg), MEP and vice-president of the EU-Armenia Friendship Group in the European Parliament, and Hagop Der Khachadourian.
The next discussion focused on “New Perspectives in the South Caucasus,” with guest speakers Andrey Kovatchev (MEP, Bulgaria), the vice chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs; Knut Fleckenstein (MEP, Germany), vice co-chair of the Committee on Political Affairs, Human Rights, and Democracy of the Euronest PA; Dr. Ioannis Charalambidis (Cyprus), president of Ledra College; Geoffrey Robertson QC (UK), a member of the United Nations’ internal Justice Council; Bernard Fassier (France), former co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, and Vahan Hovhannesyan, vice chair and Bureau member of Euronest PA. Giro Manoyan was the moderator of this panel.
On the same day, at the initiative of the EAFJD, the president of the EU-Armenia Friendship Group in the European Parliament, Dr. Eleni Theocharous, scheduled a meeting between the Karabagh delegation, headed by President Sahakyan and comprised of Vice Prime Minister Artur Aghabegyan, Foreign Affairs Minister Karen Mirzoyan, press secretary Davit Babayan, and MEPs from various political factions and member-countries.
During these two days MEPs, politicians, and experts, along with representatives of European-Armenian communities and organizations, discussed the various aspects of Armenia’s integration in Europe, the progress of Karabagh, the problems and the capacities of the European-Armenian communities, Armenian Genocide reparations, and the drawing of a new policy to pursue the rights of the Armenians.
“We consider the 3rd European Armenian Convention to be of historical significance in the sense that for the first time religious and civic-political representatives from Armenia, Artsakh [Karabagh], and the diaspora gathered in Brussels, and particularly in the European Parliament, to unanimously voice their determination to work for the benefit of the development of Armenia, the recognition of Artsakh and the survival of the diaspora,” said Karampetian.
Θεοφάνης Μαλκίδης
Η διεθνή
διάσταση του ζητήματος της Γενοκτονίας
Μέρος της
εισήγησης του Θ. Μαλκίδη στο 3ο Συνέδριο
της Ευρωπαικής Ομοσπονδίας Αρμενίας
για τη Δικαιοσύνη και τη Δημοκρατία που
διεξήχθη στο Ευρωπαικό Κοινοβούλιο
στις Βρυξέλλες.
Μετά από χιλιάδες
χρόνια παρουσίας οι Έλληνες και οι
Αρμένιοι, καθώς και άλλοι λαοί, έπειτα
από μία διαδικασία μαζικής βίας εναντίον
τους, η οποία κατέληξε σε γενοκτονία
που στοίχισε τη ζωή σε εκατομμύρια
ανθρώπους, είχαν να αντιμετωπίσουν τον
κίνδυνο οριστικής εξαφάνισής τους.
Ουσιαστικά ήταν μία ρεαλιστική προσέγγιση
εκείνης της περιόδου αφού είχε εξοντωθεί
πάνω από το 50% των Ελλήνων και των
Αρμενίων. Σ’ αυτό το δεδομένο θα πρέπει
να προστεθούν τα χιλιάδες ορφανά παιδιά,
ο άγνωστος αριθμός γυναικών σε χηρεία
με πολλαπλά τραύματα βιασμού, οι
αναρίθμητοι αγνοούμενοι, τα εκατομμύρια
εξαθλιωμένοι πρόσφυγες.
Οι πρόσφυγες,
αναζήτησαν καταφύγιο στην Σοβιετική
Αρμενία στην Ελλάδα καθώς και σε άλλες
χώρες, την ίδια στιγμή που οι υπεύθυνοι
της Γενοκτονίας, οι Νεότουρκοι και οι
Κεμαλικοί, είχαν πιστέψει ότι είχαν
τελειώσει με τα θύματά τους. Ότι οι
Έλληνες, οι Αρμένιοι όπως και οι άλλοι
στόχοι- Ασσύριοι- θα αποτελούσαν ένα
λαό των μουσείων, εξαφανισμένο, και
κυρίως οι επιζώντες χωρίς μνήμη.
η Διασπορά των Αρμενίων και μετρημένοι
στα δάχτυλα Έλληνες στην Ελλάδα και το
εξωτερικό, άνοιξαν τον κύκλο της ιστορικής
αναζήτησης και της πολιτικής διεκδίκησης.
Έτσι η Γενοκτονία
ζήτημα διεθνοποιείται από τους Αρμένιους
και τους Έλληνες του εξωτερικού σε
συνεργασία με έντιμους και σοβαρούς
πολιτικούς. Αυτοί με αίσθηση του
καθήκοντος και έχοντας απέναντί τους
κράτη, συμφέροντα, διπλωμάτες, λόμπυ
και προπαγάνδα, οδηγούν σε αναγνωρίσεις
της Γενοκτονίας. Από τα κρατικά και
περιφερειακά κοινοβούλια και πολιτείες,
μέχρι τους διεθνείς οργανισμούς
(Οργανισμός Ηνωμένων Εθνών, Οργανισμός
για την Ασφάλεια και τη Συνεργασία στην
Ευρώπη, Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, Ευρωπαικό
Η αλήθεια
απελευθερώνει όπως αναφέρει το Ευαγγέλιο
και πράγματι η αναγνώριση της Γενοκτονίας
θα απελευθερώσει και πρώτη απ ‘ όλους
την Τουρκία και μετά τις δυνάμεις της
άρνησης παγκοσμίως. Όπως γράφει η
κουρδικής καταγωγής Gulan
μέλος του Σουηδικού κοινοβουλίου, που
ψήφισε την αναγνώριση της γενοκτονίας
των Αρμενίων και των Ελλήνων,
πηγαίνοντας κόντρα στο κόμμα της, «κάθε
φορά που ακόμα μία χώρα αναγνωρίζει τη
γενοκτονία η αλήθεια πλησιάζει λίγο
πιο κοντά στην Τουρκία. Δεν είναι πλέον
δυνατόν να ξεφεύγει ή να παραμένει
σιωπηλή για το παρελθόν. Ήρθε η ώρα η
Τουρκία να αναγνωρίσει τη Γενοκτονία….
Ήρθε η ώρα να συμφιλιωθεί με την Κεμαλική
της κληρονομιά..»
Η απόδοση της
Δικαιοσύνης στο ζήτημα της Γενοκτονίας
των Αρμενίων και των Ελλήνων, παρότι
κυβερνήσεις, θεσμοί, παρακράτος,
προπαγάνδα και μηχανισμοί εκβιασμοί
και θανάτου στην Τουρκία θα ήθελαν να
είναι εξαφανισμένο, αυτό δεν έγινε
κατορθωτό. Η Gulan
αναφέρει σχετικά ότι «η
αναγνώριση της γενοκτονίας δεν αποτελεί
πλήγμα για την Τουρκία. Αντιθέτως, η μη
αναγνώρισή της αποτελεί πλήγμα για τη
δικαιοσύνη. Και είμαι αρκετά πεπεισμένη
ότι η δικαιοσύνη μόνο καλό μπορεί να
κάνει. Όσο η Τουρκία προσπαθεί να
κουκουλώσει το θέμα δεν θα υπάρξει ποτέ
συμφιλίωση. Αν η μνήμη των θυμάτων δεν
αποκατασταθεί οι άνθρωποι δεν θα
μπορέσουν να επουλώσουν τις πληγές τους
και να συνεχίσουν. Για
αυτό είναι σημαντικό όλες οι δυνάμεις,
οι οποίες πιστεύουν σε ανθρώπινες αξίες,
να συνεχίσουν να αγωνίζονται και να
ασκούν πίεση στην Τουρκία προκειμένου
να αρχίσει να λέει την αλήθεια και να
παραδεχθεί τη Γενοκτονία….»
Χιλιάδες άνθρωποι
σε όλον τον κόσμο, όπου υπάρχουν Αρμένιοι
και Έλληνες, μαζί με χιλιάδες δημοκρατικούς
πολίτες, ακόμη και Τούρκους, τιμούν
τη Γενοκτονία. Ζητούν από τα κράτη
διαβίωσής τους, και την Τουρκία να
αναγνωρίσουν τη Γενοκτονία. Η Γενοκτονία
των Αρμενίων και των Ελλήνων δεν αποτελεί
ένα ζήτημα των μουσείων, είναι ζωντανό
πολιτικό θέμα και συνιστά σεβασμό,
εθνική ταυτότητα, αυτογνωσία, δημιουργικό
και παραγωγικό μέλλον, με αληθινή φιλία
και ειλικρινή συνεργασία.
άνοιξη των λαών, των δολοφονημένων λαών
από το οθωμανικό κράτος και το κεμαλικό
καθεστώς έρχεται. Η αποσιώπηση, το ψεύδος
και η λήθη ανήκουν στο παρελθόν και οι
αγώνες των λαών για ελευθερία και αλήθεια
δικαιώνονται. Κανένα καθεστώς υπεύθυνο
για τέτοιου μεγέθους εγκλήματα ενάντια
στην ανθρωπότητα δεν πρέπει να μείνει
ατιμώρητο από την ιστορία και τη
δικαιοσύνη. Η αλήθεια είναι μαζί μας
και θα νικήσει, την προπαγάνδα, το
ψεύδος, τα λόμπι και τα χρήματα.
“Turkey must return the Armenian churches to their rightful owners”, said His Holiness Aram I in his opening remarks to the 3rd Convention of the European Armenians

Speaking about the Armenian people’s struggle for justice, he said that “Numerous studies, publications, lectures, seminars and conferences, substantiated by historical evidences and eye witness accounts, gave for decades concrete articulation to the Armenian people's struggle for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Contacts with political circles and collaboration with actors of civil society further helped of awareness building in respect to the Armenian Genocide. This first genocide of the 20th Century has become now an integral part of the international agenda”.
Referring to the emerging realities, Aram I reminded that “The question of the Armenian Genocide is acquiring a new form and expression; it is generating a renewed interest and a new reaction. These factors and developments, referred to briefly, with their implications need to be taken into serious consideration as we try to reassess and reactivate our efforts. However, we must be realistic. We must bear in mind that activism may soon reach a dead-end if it is not consonant with the geopolitical realities and interests of the present world; the scholarly research will be confined to academic circles if it is not tested by international law; and international law will be inapplicable if it is not supported by political will”.
His Holiness stressed the need for a “new strategy, a new entry point and a new emphasis in order to avoid stagnation and embark on a new process”. He said that “we have spent a great deal of time, energy and capital on activism and historical research. Without undermining the vital importance of these efforts, it is time that we focus our attention on reparation. The Antelias Conference, organized by the Armenian Catholicosate of Cilicia, was precisely a tangible step along these lines. It spelled out those provisions and entry points that international law may provide in the direction of reparation. At the same time, it highlighted limitations, ambiguities and uncertainties within the existing international law”.
According to Catholicos Aram I “accepting truth and compensating victims of genocide as part of a healing and reconciliation process are not merely legal matters pertaining to juridical mechanisms and procedures; they represent a moral imperative which is at the heart of human rights, and as such must be recognized, respected and implemented by nations and states under all circumstances. If our approach is conditioned exclusively by geopolitical considerations, if our criteria in tackling these matters are strictly determined by international law, then ethical values and moral standards, as well as fundamental principles of human rights, will absent from international relations. Some might say that this is already the case…”.
Speaking about the Armenian Church properties His Holiness reminded that they “cannot be considered ‘abandoned’ because the Armenians did not leave their properties by their own choice; they were threatened and forced to leave them. Hence, the Armenian properties were seized by force and confiscated by state. Confiscation of properties under all circumstances is not only illegal, but is also a crime against humanity. The Armenian people are the legitimate owners of their properties”.
Concluding his remarks Aram I said “Our claim is legitimate. Nor can one ignore its moral, ethical and religious dimensions and implications. Turkey must be courageous to accept the truth, if it is really committed to human rights, if it believes in harmonious coexistence, meaningful dialogue and close collaboration among nations, states and religions, it must take a concrete step in the direction of reparation by returning the churches to their rightful owners, the Armenian people. This is, indeed, high time for Turkey to act, instead of reacting, by changing its policy of denial, negativism and obstructionism to that of reconciling with its past”.
The main speakers of the conference were: Charles Tannock, Fausto Pocar, Henry Theriault, Caroline Fournet, Ragib Zarakolu, Theophanis Malkidis, Otto Luchterhandt. The conference was attended by a number of specialists of genocide and international law as well as representatives of European Parliament.
On Oct. 14, the convention took place at the Armenian Cultural Center, where EAFJD President Kaspar Karampetian delivered the opening remarks. Addressing the convention were Nagorno Karabagh Republic (NKR) President Bako Sahakyan; Armenian Parliamentary Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan; Hagop Der Khachadourian, an ARF-D Bureau member and Armenian National Committees coordinator; Archbishop Norvan Zakarian, the representative for Catholicos of All Armenians Karekin II and Primate of the Armenian Apostolic Church in France; and Catholicos of the Holy See of Cilicia Aram I.
An award-presenting ceremony took place following the speeches. EAFJD staff members and partners awarded Raffi Arslanian, Kapriel Chemberji, the Punik Foundation, Nerses Ohanian, Souren Ohanian, Braian Fera, Andre Gumushjian, and Alecco Bezikian for their vital financial contributions to the EAFJD.
During the first day, the topics of the agenda were discussed in three panels. The first concerned the “Centennial of the Armenian Genocide” with the director of the Institute for Diaspora and Genocide Studies of Bochum’s Ruhr University, Prof. Dr. Mihran Dabag, and the director of the ARF-D International Secretariat, Giro Manoyan. The panel was moderated by ANC Cyprus member, Arto Tavitian. The second discussion touched on the Turkish-Azeri anti-Armenian lobbying and the Armenian response to it. The keynote speakers were the director of the ANC Office in France, Hratch Varjabedian, and the secretary general of the European Friends of Armenia (EuFoA), Michael Kambeck. In the third panel, the chairman of the Executive Committee of Greece, Ara Mangoyan, and the chief editor of “Orer” magazine (Czech Republic), Hakob Asatryan, presented the Western and the Eastern European Armenian communities. Both panels were moderated by EAFJD’s communication officer, Bedo Kurkjian-Demirjian.
Artak Gabrielyan, the coordinator of Armenian NGOs in Samtskhe-Javakheti (Georgia), spoke about the problems that Armenians of the region face. The discussion concluded that it would be appropriate to hold a special conference in the near future, dedicated to this issue.
The president of the Forum of Armenian Associations of Europe (Slovakia), Ashot Grigoryan, presented the forum’s work within the UN on Armenian monuments. Van civic organization (Russia) president Gagik Melikyan, in turn, presented his book, Armenian Genocide by Ottoman Turkey, 1915. Testimony of Survivors, collection of documents.
At the end of the first day, Karampetian read a letter from the Emergency Relief and Recovery Body of Syrian Armenians addressed to the convention. The letter recounted the difficulties that the Syrian-Armenian community continues to face, and called on the European-Armenian communities to assist financially. Karampetian gave a summary of the EAFJD work that aimed both at collecting funds and providing safety to the Syrian Armenians.
The second day, the sessions convened in the European Parliament. After a welcome speech by Karampetian, the floor was given to Joseph Daul, the president of the European People’s Party (EPP) Group in the European Parliament, which hosted the convention; Dr. Eleni Theocharous, president of the EU-Armenia Friendship Group in the European Parliament; Bako Sahakyan, NKR president, who for the first time spoke from the European Parliament’s floor about his country, in what was considered an historic moment; Hovik Abrahamyan, speaker of the Armenian Parliament; Hagop Der Khachadourian, ARF-D Bureau member and Armenian National Committees’ coordinator; and Aram I, Catholicos of the Holy See of Cilicia, who elaborated on the return of Armenian church properties by Turkey.
The first panel covered the subject of the Armenian Genocide and international law. Professors Yair Auron (Israel), Theofanis Malkidis (Greece), Vladimir Vardanyan (Armenia), and Henry Theriault (U.S.), as well as legal expert Kirsten Meersschaert Duchens (Netherlands), expressed their views on the genocide and the issue of reparations. Moderating this panel were Frank Engel (Luxembourg), MEP and vice-president of the EU-Armenia Friendship Group in the European Parliament, and Hagop Der Khachadourian.
The next discussion focused on “New Perspectives in the South Caucasus,” with guest speakers Andrey Kovatchev (MEP, Bulgaria), the vice chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs; Knut Fleckenstein (MEP, Germany), vice co-chair of the Committee on Political Affairs, Human Rights, and Democracy of the Euronest PA; Dr. Ioannis Charalambidis (Cyprus), president of Ledra College; Geoffrey Robertson QC (UK), a member of the United Nations’ internal Justice Council; Bernard Fassier (France), former co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group, and Vahan Hovhannesyan, vice chair and Bureau member of Euronest PA. Giro Manoyan was the moderator of this panel.
On the same day, at the initiative of the EAFJD, the president of the EU-Armenia Friendship Group in the European Parliament, Dr. Eleni Theocharous, scheduled a meeting between the Karabagh delegation, headed by President Sahakyan and comprised of Vice Prime Minister Artur Aghabegyan, Foreign Affairs Minister Karen Mirzoyan, press secretary Davit Babayan, and MEPs from various political factions and member-countries.
During these two days MEPs, politicians, and experts, along with representatives of European-Armenian communities and organizations, discussed the various aspects of Armenia’s integration in Europe, the progress of Karabagh, the problems and the capacities of the European-Armenian communities, Armenian Genocide reparations, and the drawing of a new policy to pursue the rights of the Armenians.
“We consider the 3rd European Armenian Convention to be of historical significance in the sense that for the first time religious and civic-political representatives from Armenia, Artsakh [Karabagh], and the diaspora gathered in Brussels, and particularly in the European Parliament, to unanimously voice their determination to work for the benefit of the development of Armenia, the recognition of Artsakh and the survival of the diaspora,” said Karampetian.