Πέμπτη 29 Αυγούστου 2024

Theofanis Malkidis: We don’t have Karabakh problem, we have the problem of Turkey and Azerbaijan. Free Artsakh !

In Greece and various European countries, congress members, MPs, academicians, and journalists who have nothing to do with Azerbaijan are deeply convinced that the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia is a big issue of historical justice, especially for the rights of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh, in Artsakh. Dr. Theofanis Malkidis, a professor at the International Hellenic University and a member of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, stated this in an interview with Armenian News-NEWS.am.

"Also we know that Azerbaijan is supported by countries like Turkey, countries that don’t have gas and other natural resources but also are against the historical situation that comes from the Genocide period until today. Also we know that after the Azerbaijan invasion in Nagorno-Karabakh, thousands of Armenians of Artsakh have problems with food and water and other things that in modern times even the poor countries have.

“So, we support this historic nation: Armenians not only about the issue of Genocide but also for historic justice in Artsakh. We support and stand by the Armenians in Artsakh, especially the thousands of people that don’t have food or water today.

“First of all, we pressure the Greek government to support Armenians, especially about the Artsakh situation because we know that Greeks have had friends and connections with Armenia for thousands of years.

“Second, we have supported Armenia since the 1988 earthquake, food crisis and Soviet Union collapse. We know that Armenia does not have allies and friends like other countries to press the international organizations for justice and truth but here in Greece and anywhere in the world where we have Greeks, we stand by and support Armenians against Azerbaijani propaganda that works with Turkey against Greece and Armenia," the Greek professor said.

He recalled that he was in Armenia’s capital Yerevan during the September 2022 military aggression by Azerbaijan.

"We know that Azerbaijan has support from European and other countries because they need gas, oil or generally the natural resources of Azerbaijan. International law and justice does not begin from the natural resources or other interests of the countries but comes from justice and truth. This is the way that the Armenians and Greeks also not only for the issue of Genocide but also for Artsakh Armenians this is the policy, I think, that we must continue the justice and for Azerbaijan to come out of Artsakh and thousands of Armenians of Artsakh must return to their homes," said Theofanis Malkidis.

He added that he has been to Artsakh twice.

"I know Artsakh from the past when Greeks were in solidarity policy and they sent food, humanitarian aid to these friendly people. We want to support people in Artsakh because as you know we have similar problems with Turkey in the Aegean Sea, in Cyprus, and the alliance between Armenia and Greece, I think, is the most important thing. We also want them to recognize the genocides not only past but also modern genocide of people in Artsakh.

“You know that after the Azerbaijan invasion in Nagorno-Karabakh, thousands of people became refugees not only in Armenia but also in other European countries, among the others, in Greece. Azerbaijan was supported by Turkey not only economically or financially, but also with drones and military weapons. Also you know that this situation has been covered by international organizations, and some fake statements from countries or international organizations say that the Azerbaijan authorities must go away from Artsakh and nothing else. This situation is not an academic conflict, it is a real conflict where thousands of Armenians: children and old people lost their homes, jobs and homeland. As a European citizen I must pressure our political countries to stop supporting Azerbaijan," the Greek professor emphasized.

He recalled the words of famous Greek philosopher Socrates, who had said that when the government or the state does not do anything, citizens and people must do something.

"This is the answer for this policy that has only statements, announcements and nothing else. I think that citizens of European and other countries must pressure their states to support Armenians. The time is now. We know that the next step of alliance between Azerbaijan and Turkey will be doing the same thing in Greece. I hope this pressure from society and citizens can help the Greek government to put more pressure on Azerbaijan and the European Union to solve this conflict.

“Azerbaijan is not a democratic state; it is a state that is ruled by a family against all the people that live in Azerbaijan. This situation is also about democracy and freedom. So it is the International community responsibility to solve this conflict. Civilized people do not want to live in jungles, we want to live in peace, freedom and democracy," he said.

Malkidis reflected also on Azerbaijan's claims that Nagorno-Karabakh was Azerbaijani territory for thousands of years.

"But we know the Soviet Union history and how Artsakh was given to Azerbaijan. Also we have issues with Azerbaijani propaganda that pays thousands of euros and dollars to support this propaganda. All the international community, especially the countries that are involved in the conflict of Artsakh: The US, Russia and the EU must pressure Azerbaijan. We don’t have the Nagorno-Karabakh problem, we have the big issue of Azerbaijan. The solution is for Azerbaijan to free Artsakh and Armenians return to their homes.

“As you know, Azerbaijan spends a lot of money also in Greece. For example in the second largest city of Greece in buses we have an advertisement about Artsakh inviting tourists to visit Artsakh. But Greeks read news about Armenia, read Armenian websites and know about the conflict and that we must stay with Armenia and people of Artsakh," he emphasized.

Theofanis Malkidis is a member of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, and his books on genocide have been translated into Armenian, too.